A father has spoken out about his teenage son's choice of swimwear on a family cruise, branding it "inappropriate".
Now, usually with stories like this, social media users rally around the person being criticized and would call the father a "prude" or "old-fashioned". However, in this case, the Internet was firmly on the dad's side.
Taking to Reddit to share his vacation tale, the father titled his post: "AITA [am I the a**hole] for forcing my son to buy a more "appropriate" swimsuit?"
The doting father then explained that he had recently returned from a Caribbean cruise with his family, which included his 18-year-old son.
The dad had a problem with his son's swimsuit. Credit: Carl & Ann Purcell / Getty
He explained that his son is "a great kid" but has "TOO MUCH confidence".
"I've never seen anything like it," the dad writes. "He's the most self-assured guy in the world. It's not unfounded, he's great looking and athletic and definitely a 'Mr Personality' type."
However, issues arose when the son decided to go for a dip in the cruise's pool - but he was stopped in his tracks when his father saw his choice of swimsuit.
"Let's just say his swimsuit was NOT appropriate. At all," the dad writes. "Definitely a 'flaunt it' type of suit. I told him to put on something else. He had NOTHING, the kid has packed nothing but those -- for a week-long cruise. What was he thinking?"
After making his son spend $100 on a couple of new swimsuits from the cruise's store, the father attached a photo if the original trunks and asked if his was in the wrong for making his son change.
It's safe to say that Redditors were preparing to slam the dad for dictating what his son wore... until they saw the photo, which can be seen HERE.
"Just reading the title I went with [You're the a**hole], but then I saw the pic and was like oh man, nevermind, that's so inappropriate," one person commented.
A second added: "If he was wearing that 'sheer when wet' business, you saved him being charged with indecent exposure and your whole family possibly being put off the ship at the next port of call."
"I’m honestly surprised that he packed that swimsuit on a family cruise for a week… ask your son if he would feel uncomfortable if you wore those and sat next to him," a third suggested.
The father also explained that after instructing his son to buy a new swimsuit, he came back with a Speedo - which the dad also disagreed with.
The son was made to go and purchase two different swimsuits. Credit: Kryssia Campos / Getty
However, due to the fact the son is 18 and he bought the Speedo from the onboard store, Redditors felt like he should have been allowed to wear them.
"I understand your concern, but I think you should have bought his second swimsuit for him [at least]. You told him to buy a new one, he did, from the official cruise store. Which means it was clearly appropriate enough to be worn on the cruise," one person wrote.
"The speedos he bought from the ship’s store were appropriate, and you should have accepted them," another added. "Then you’d be teaching him the line between cheeky but legal/acceptable and things that will get you arrested."