Racoon gets stuck while trying to steal snacks from a vending machine



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Everyone loves an outlaw. Even though we know that breaking the rules is dangerous, damaging and usually a bad idea, there’s something alluring about anyone who’s prepared to throw caution to the wind and live life on their terms. There’s a reason why we all love Robin Hood and not the boring henchmen who were just trying to do their jobs. Understandably, these feelings are even stronger when the rogue in question is cute, fluffy and desperate for chocolate.

Incredibly, these three character traits were combined in one unlikely desperado, when a Floridian police department apprehended a thieving racoon on Wednesday last week. Posting a photo to Facebook, the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office revealed that the culprit had only been caught after becoming trapped inside a vending machine in the middle of an audacious snack heist. The photographic evidence, while adorable, left little doubt as to who was responsible. 

Clearly startled by the furry fugitive, the Volusia Police Department wasted no time in getting the evidence online. Accompanying the collection of incriminating snaps, law enforcement officers stated that, “This gentleman was apprehended today while committing a burglary of a vending machine at Pine Ridge High School." While there was no hint of what accusations may or may not be on the cards, a charge of racoon-teering seems unavoidable. 

Predictably, the internet was quick to voice their support for the fuzzy bandit. One Facebook user voiced their support, writing, "If I were him I'd snatch as many of those Rice Crispy bars as his little paws could carry and leave those granola bars in the dust!!" Another pleaded, “Nothing going on here. Nothing to see. Just move along please."


Despite being caught red-pawed, it looks like Volusia PD decided to take pity on the petty criminal. In an update to the original status, the department added, “For anyone wondering about the outcome of this call, Deputy Danny Clifton called in Deltona Animal Control, and together they put this vending machine on a dolly and wheeled it out to an area where our friend could make his exit to freedom. He did so with a little encouragement, and he's off to his next adventure.” Whatever the future may hold for him, the saga of this particular scoundrel is far from over.

This article originally appeared on twistedfood.co.uk