Gamer under fire for throwing her cat during live stream



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In the last decade, the popularity of videogame streamers has increased to an unthinkable degree. For whatever reason, people just can't get enough of watching people play games in the comfort of their own home. In fact, it has become so popular, that the many popular streamers can make a career out of it, earning money through advertising and donations through services like Patreon.

However, in an effort to gain more and more followers, some streamers can find themselves behaving, shall we say, immoral. One gamer who is now facing a backlash for her outrageous actions is Natalia Mogollon - also knows on Alinity on Twitch - who was caught on a live stream aggressively throwing her pet cat, CTV News reports.

The clip shows the gamer sitting in her chair, with her pet cat on her lap. She then throws the feline behind her in an aggressive motion. Mogollon has since apologized to her followers, after the video was viewed more than 6.57 million times (as of this writing) and attracted a lot of criticism.

The video was also shared by PETA, who have said the gamer needs to have her Twitch account removed "immediately":

However, after the footage of the Saskatchewan-based gamer went viral on Twitter, several other videos from her past were once again brought to attention, many of which show Mogollon "interacting" with her pets.

In one video, the gamer takes a swig of vodka, only to them tempt her cat from drinking some out of her mouth. As you can see in the clip below, the cat is visibly distressed by this.

Another unsurfaced video shows Mogollon kicking her dog in a way that has annoyed people on Twitter:

One person also tweeted out a video showing 'Alinity' aggressively sticking a sticker onto her cat's face"

Since the videos have gone viral, Mogollon has been tweeted thousands of times, with many of these condemning the gamer's actions. One person wrote:

"You have to question. Alinity has kicked her dog, thrown her cat, and spit vodka in her cat's mouth in front of thousands of people. What does she do to her animals when no one is watching?"

The gamer has since tweeted out an apology to her followers, stating that her animals live in a "well loved, and live in a warm and caring home". She also said she is willing to cooperate with any authorities in order to validate this:

What do you think should happen to Mogollon as a result of these actions?