You can now rent an 'alpaca treehouse' on Airbnb in a bamboo forest



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The treehouse has always been a favourite backyard play set option, and it's no wonder that its charm remains. Airbnb increasingly offers treehouses as an alternate vacation option for adventurers, but they're not just wooden planks that your father nailed together, and there are no plastic slides attached... but some do come with llamas.

In East Atlanta, Georgia, Kara O'Brien has an Airbnb listing for a treehouse in the middle of an 80-year-old bamboo forest surrounded by llamas.

Credit: 910

15 feet off the ground, the treehouse rests high above the two llamas, and four alpacas wandering below. The alpacas names are: Paloma Piper, Caitlin Tastee, Elfie Fay Von Picklesprite, and Sunny Shevoun. The llamas are called Dali Llama and Llama Mia Figaro (Figgy).

O'Brien rescued the animals, which were in poor condition before they came into her care. She lives in a house near the treehouse, and runs an organic fruit and vegetable farm around the property. Sometimes, visitors might wake to the calming sound of her crowing rooster. There's also a brick "llama cottage" near the treehouse which accommodates children.

Credit: 1759

This treehouse is much more spacious than backyard childhood play sets. It has one bedroom, two beds and enough space to accommodate four guests. The house was built with antiques, and includes a stained glass window, French doors and a skylight.

In this case, rustic doesn't mean run-down. The property has power, air conditioning and heat. Though, it doesn't have Wi-Fi or a kitchen.

While most guests stay in the treehouse overnight, O'Brien offers special rates for weddings, photography and even television and movies; both Kevin (Probably) Saves the World and Treehouse Masters have filmed at the property.

Credit: 2602

Because of the childhood nostalgia, and the llama interactions, the alpaca treehouse is now the most wish-listed Airbnb in Atlanta, and the second-most in Georgia. Book a stay next time you're there!