With their hormones running riot and every-day pressures abounding, it sure is hard to be an adolescent. While for the majority of us this translates to Holden Caulfield-esque angst, for others, it's another story entirely - involving alcohol, drugs or even something completely unexpected. And naturally, this sort of behaviour can get kids in serious trouble with school, and even the law.
These tales of expulsion from Reddit, however, are seriously crazy. Prepare for stories of drug abuse, amongst you know, your average exorcism...
1. What?!"I went to a private Christian University, and I have a friend who got expelled for supposedly exorcizing a demon out of someone in the middle of a wide open courtyard."
2. Oops"I unintentionally got another student expelled. We were critiquing websites we had built when I noticed one that looked exactly like mine with a few tweaks. I popped open the source and noticed it was a line for line copy of my code with a few changes to the CSS.
"I brought it up to the professor to protect myself in case he noticed them (though I doubt I would have been suspected, mine was more cohesive. The changes he did make didn’t make the site appealing). Anyway, apparently it was his 3rd time plagiarising after twice you go “on trial” with the school. If you don’t get expelled then, a 3rd time is the nail in the coffin."
3. Well, you must have had a lot of free time..."Installing bitcoin miners on all the computers in a video editing lab."
4. This is ridiculous.5. A typical problem"For being off campus with a member of the opposite sex without proper supervision. No, seriously."
"I was making a search engine for our school teacher evaluation page. It absolutely blew up in popularity and a large portion of the school was using it (about 5k views per day). Essentially it was like rate my professors except it used the evals that they force students to do at the end of the class as data. I also added features that made it more desirable to students.
"It became so popular that it was showing up on the front page of google for certain teacher names. Some of those teachers had low ratings and got pissed off and complained. I had unintentionally violated IP laws because the evaluations were under password protections and my site was not. The only reason I didnt get expelled was because the dean of my department had my back. He did research and concluded the information should not have been private in the first place, then sent a public information request to make it so my project did not break the law. I definitely had people asking for my expulsion for a scary amount of time."
6. Duh!"My roommate got expelled for basically never going to class, not even when there was an important exam. He spent all night smoking weed (with me) and playing video games (not with me), and then slept all day until about 5 PM. Like I would wake up, go to my 8:30 lecture, get lunch, go to lab 2-5, then come back to my room and my roommate was STILL sleeping! I found out the following summer that he had gotten a letter from the university asking him not to come back. Last I heard of him, he had enrolled at a commuter school, where he made the dean’s list."
7. This is not what you should be doing with your free period8. Cheating is a no-go"Heard this story of this dude who got kicked out for leaving on break to train with Al Quaeda."
"Currently am aware of a group of international students getting expelled from my school. They’ve been whispering to each other during exams in another language, and as luck would have it my professor happens to speak that language and has been slowly building a case against them without their knowing it."
9. At least you had fun?"I shot a firework out of my a** in a campus owned house."
10. Natural career progression..."I knew a guy who got expelled from an Ivy League for getting caught with too much cocaine. He works at California Pizza Kitchen now."
11. He was given a chance, at least"Dude was already a nuisance, he got drunk and wandered into town one night, broke a window on a private residence because he thought it was our dorm. Got arrested for breaking said window. When the school found out they told him that if you got into any trouble either with the police or the school’s internal justice system (which is actually decent, it’s student run) then he would be thrown out. Same goes for getting “transported” to the local hospital due to excessive drunkenness.
"Cut to halloween night when his roommate found him passed out covered in vomit on the floor of his dorm room. He tested positive for alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine. I’m pretty sure he was kicked out before he got out of the hospital."
12. This is so weird"A kid who worked at my dining hall got expelled and presumably arrested for breaking into girls dorm rooms and watching them sleep. He had been doing it for a while because people were noticing their doors were unlocked in the morning. He got caught when he tickled a girls feet, she woke up and screamed, her roommate woke up and screamed, we all screamed and I picked up his shifts."
Well, there you have it. School isn't all about fun and games, you know?
In other news, these four little questions will reveal how smart you really are.