Baby Yoda is a phenomenon. He might have been one of the protagonists in Disney+'s The Mandalorian, but with his big, glassy eyes and cute mannerisms, he quickly became the undisputed star of the show.
In fact, Baby Yoda is so popular that he's inspired some of the best memes to hit the net recently.
Jon Favreau shared this behind-the-scenes video of Baby Yoda:Now, one woman has claimed that the adorable Star Wars character has appeared in the clouds of her vacation snap.
Yes, it sounds like something straight out of the Bible, but once you see this picture, you'll probably think that even God's a fan of Baby Yoda because the resemblance is impossible to deny.
The incredible picture was posted on the Baby Yoda subreddit which is "dedicated to the beautiful Baby Yoda". There, Redditor u/yycheart wrote: "A family friend took this picture while on vacation and I can't unsee Baby Yoda!"

Unsurprisingly, the good people of Reddit were in absolute agreement that the cloud formation looked like the adorable 50-year-old, who is officially known as 'The Child', and before long, phrases including "this is the way" and "blessed image" began to circulate in the thread.
In the comments section, Redditor treabharosaurus wrote: "He has risen (and condensed)." In response, Nemesis2pt0 joked: "I feel like this is how cults get started..."

Nyetloki added: "Disney lawyers preparing a cease and desist on Mother Nature. News at 11."

One user then asked where the Baby Yoda cloud formation made its appearance, and they revealed that the picture was taken in the Cayman Islands.

This seemingly ethereal image comes after Baby Yoda was crowned the most popular baby of 2019, as per Google's 'Year in Search 2019'. In short, this meant that he was more popular than Pslam West and Prince Archie.
If you haven't seen the show that made Baby Yoda a star, this is the official Mandalorian trailer:And if we are perfectly honest with ourselves, at the rate he's going at, Baby Yoda will probably be the most popular baby of 2020 too.