Any actor out there worth their salt will tell you that you can't just go from being a complete and utter nobody to a world-renowned A-lister straight away. There's always got to be that period of time in between, that special time in purgatory, where you've named yourself a "professional actor", but don't have the CV to back it up. Otherwise known as the time where you desperately do anything and everything you can in order to make it to the big time - even if it means appearing in embarrassing TV advertisements.
That's right, although you may think that the world's most famous actress' and actors just woke up and thought "I think I'll become a movie star today", you'd be wrong. Rather than strolling onto a movie set, many celebrities starred in TV commercials before getting their big break - and, now that they're so successful, their outdated commercials are absolutely hilarious to watch back.
1. Tobey MaguireEnjoying the throwback vibes, are you? You best head over and take a look at these 12 super-rare throwback photos of famous celebrities.