8 Times Gordon Ramsay totally roasted people who tried to stand up to him



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If you ever get the chance to meet Gordon Ramsay in person, the one thing I would recommend not doing is trying to go toe-to-toe with him. Chef Ramsay isn't here for your BS, and will shut down anyone trying to stand up to him in a war of words.

Don't believe me? Just look at all the times folks on Kitchen Nightmares and Hell's Kitchen have tried to do it through the years. Each time, Ramsay had them sitting down and being humble within minutes. Here a few of the best clapbacks Gordon has offered up to cameras since gracing our screens, and it's definitely the most savage montage of all time. Enjoy yourselves.

1. When a contestant tried to defend their smart idea

On season seven of Hell's Kitchen, oddball competitor Andrew Forster attempted to salvage his "mashed potato soup" by adding a thick pile of mash to the pot. Chef Ramsay immediately called him out on it, and Andrew stood his ground saying it was a "smart idea". That earned him a trip to the time-out box and a flurry of insults from Gordon that later caused Andrew to walk out of the competition that same night. Good riddance.


2. A contestant tries to push back beef, gets called a quail

Season seven of Hell's Kitchen definitely had its fair share of lowlights. This snarky contestant who couldn't tell what a medium-cooked steak looked like decided to get some extra camera time in. He tried to stand up to Gordon about the temperature of his beef, but retreated back to his seat pretty swiftly, all the while getting pelted with verbal barbs from Chef Ramsay. Calling him a "f**king quail" was probably the best of the whole bunch, for trying to strut up to Gordon the way he did.


3. Chef can't cook a mussel, but can mock Gordon Ramsay

Ahh, the British. An early episode of the UK version of Kitchen Nightmares featured Chef Ramsay struggling with a chef who couldn't even cook a mussel properly. The chef got so offended at Ramsay's offer to teach him, that he began to mock Gordon and insult him as his only way of retaliation. Needless to say, it didn't go very well.


4. Gordon offers to shove a Go-Pro into a pretty nasty place

In a feeble attempt to defend his reasoning for delivering Gordon a pile of raw scallops, Hell's Kitchen season 16 contestant Matt Heam told the chef to "check the cameras" to prove what he was saying. Chef Ramsay, obviously, could care less, and proceeded to tear Matt a new one before threatening what he would do the next time someone mentioned a camera. Definitely didn't sound like the most pleasant of offers.


5. Amy's Baking Company

Do I even need to say any more than that? We all know the story of this Arizona restaurant, their appearance on Kitchen Nightmares, and how they continually stood up to Gordon and refused to hear anything he had to say. Chef Ramsay may have dropped the greatest clap back of all time on them when he walked out and refused to help the restaurant anymore. One of the world's greatest chefs telling you your restaurant isn't salvageable? That's a pretty low blow.


6. Chef actually tries to bitchslap Gordon

In all my Gordon Ramsay reporting, I actually haven't come across this. After a chef on Ramsay's UK Kitchen Nightmares show shouted at her staff, Gordon asked to talk to her in private and asked if what she was doing was "showing off". The chef was so offended at this accusation that she tried to slap Gordon Ramsay in the face multiple times. However, Gordon suddenly morphed into Jackie Chan, blocking every single attempted blow while talking the chef down from her high horse. He did this all with the tranquility of a Zen Master, making his role in the entire debacle seem all the more badass.


7. Lying chef gets caught red-handed, then threatens Gordon 

After a brigade of cooks served Gordon some horrible food and insulted him behind his back, Ramsay called them out on some shady restaurant practices, like cooking their duck once a month and freezing it or serving frozen crab cakes. One of the chefs who had lied to him about that being the case was absolutely mortified, and decided to try and save face by challenging Gordon to a fight. You can bet that didn't go over well.


8. Gordon's finest hour 

In what is probably Gordon Ramsay's most iconic clip in television history, he nearly gets into a massive fight with Hell's Kitchen competitor and former Marine Joesph Tinnelly. Joseph had been badmouthing and ignoring Gordon's instructions through the entire elimination sequence at the end of an episode, and as Ramsay publicly dismantled him for that, Joseph lost it, tearing off his jacket and going after Gordon. Ramsay eventually proved that Joseph wasn't ready for prime time, though, and sent him packing. It's surprising Tinnelly even found a job in the restaurant industry after that.


Hope you guys remembered to breathe while laughing. Let this be a lesson to you all. Unless you're that Thai chef, don't even bother.

8 Times Gordon Ramsay totally roasted people who tried to stand up to him



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If you ever get the chance to meet Gordon Ramsay in person, the one thing I would recommend not doing is trying to go toe-to-toe with him. Chef Ramsay isn't here for your BS, and will shut down anyone trying to stand up to him in a war of words.

Don't believe me? Just look at all the times folks on Kitchen Nightmares and Hell's Kitchen have tried to do it through the years. Each time, Ramsay had them sitting down and being humble within minutes. Here a few of the best clapbacks Gordon has offered up to cameras since gracing our screens, and it's definitely the most savage montage of all time. Enjoy yourselves.

1. When a contestant tried to defend their smart idea

On season seven of Hell's Kitchen, oddball competitor Andrew Forster attempted to salvage his "mashed potato soup" by adding a thick pile of mash to the pot. Chef Ramsay immediately called him out on it, and Andrew stood his ground saying it was a "smart idea". That earned him a trip to the time-out box and a flurry of insults from Gordon that later caused Andrew to walk out of the competition that same night. Good riddance.


2. A contestant tries to push back beef, gets called a quail

Season seven of Hell's Kitchen definitely had its fair share of lowlights. This snarky contestant who couldn't tell what a medium-cooked steak looked like decided to get some extra camera time in. He tried to stand up to Gordon about the temperature of his beef, but retreated back to his seat pretty swiftly, all the while getting pelted with verbal barbs from Chef Ramsay. Calling him a "f**king quail" was probably the best of the whole bunch, for trying to strut up to Gordon the way he did.


3. Chef can't cook a mussel, but can mock Gordon Ramsay

Ahh, the British. An early episode of the UK version of Kitchen Nightmares featured Chef Ramsay struggling with a chef who couldn't even cook a mussel properly. The chef got so offended at Ramsay's offer to teach him, that he began to mock Gordon and insult him as his only way of retaliation. Needless to say, it didn't go very well.


4. Gordon offers to shove a Go-Pro into a pretty nasty place

In a feeble attempt to defend his reasoning for delivering Gordon a pile of raw scallops, Hell's Kitchen season 16 contestant Matt Heam told the chef to "check the cameras" to prove what he was saying. Chef Ramsay, obviously, could care less, and proceeded to tear Matt a new one before threatening what he would do the next time someone mentioned a camera. Definitely didn't sound like the most pleasant of offers.


5. Amy's Baking Company

Do I even need to say any more than that? We all know the story of this Arizona restaurant, their appearance on Kitchen Nightmares, and how they continually stood up to Gordon and refused to hear anything he had to say. Chef Ramsay may have dropped the greatest clap back of all time on them when he walked out and refused to help the restaurant anymore. One of the world's greatest chefs telling you your restaurant isn't salvageable? That's a pretty low blow.


6. Chef actually tries to bitchslap Gordon

In all my Gordon Ramsay reporting, I actually haven't come across this. After a chef on Ramsay's UK Kitchen Nightmares show shouted at her staff, Gordon asked to talk to her in private and asked if what she was doing was "showing off". The chef was so offended at this accusation that she tried to slap Gordon Ramsay in the face multiple times. However, Gordon suddenly morphed into Jackie Chan, blocking every single attempted blow while talking the chef down from her high horse. He did this all with the tranquility of a Zen Master, making his role in the entire debacle seem all the more badass.


7. Lying chef gets caught red-handed, then threatens Gordon 

After a brigade of cooks served Gordon some horrible food and insulted him behind his back, Ramsay called them out on some shady restaurant practices, like cooking their duck once a month and freezing it or serving frozen crab cakes. One of the chefs who had lied to him about that being the case was absolutely mortified, and decided to try and save face by challenging Gordon to a fight. You can bet that didn't go over well.


8. Gordon's finest hour 

In what is probably Gordon Ramsay's most iconic clip in television history, he nearly gets into a massive fight with Hell's Kitchen competitor and former Marine Joesph Tinnelly. Joseph had been badmouthing and ignoring Gordon's instructions through the entire elimination sequence at the end of an episode, and as Ramsay publicly dismantled him for that, Joseph lost it, tearing off his jacket and going after Gordon. Ramsay eventually proved that Joseph wasn't ready for prime time, though, and sent him packing. It's surprising Tinnelly even found a job in the restaurant industry after that.


Hope you guys remembered to breathe while laughing. Let this be a lesson to you all. Unless you're that Thai chef, don't even bother.