When it comes to music, we all have our guilty pleasures. You might style yourself a fan of "real hip hop," with an iTunes library full of "serious" artists like Kendrick Lamar, 2Pac and the Wu-Tang Clan. But at the same time, you catch yourself rocking out to girly pop singers like Lady Gaga, Beyonce and Taylor Swift. No matter how accepting people seem, you're probably not going to publicly advertise your guilty pleasures, out of fear of mockery.
The nice thing about kids, though, is that they're free to like what they like. They don't know what society thinks, and they don't care. For example, Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa's five-year-old son, Sebastian, is a huge fan of Taylor Swift. For his birthday, Taylor sent him and his mom VIP tickets to one of her shows. In a two-part video on Instagram, Amber surprises Sebastian with the present, and his reaction is pretty cute.
However, this being the Internet, several trolls attacked Sebastian in the comment section. They called him "gay" for liking Tay-Tay's music, and used the word "gay" as if it were an insult. Obviously, shaming a five-year-old boy for liking a "girly" artist is pretty pathetic. You can listen to whatever you want. It's not like some artists are for boys and some artists are for girls. The music you listen to has nothing to do with your sexuality - and even if it did, who cares?
But have no fear! Hell hath no fury like a mother scorned. Amber clapped back at the trolls on Instagram Story with a series of messages:
"Shout out out to all the hyper-masculine men and ignorant dumb-ass women that will call a five-year-old gay for liking Taylor Swift. This is why young kids kill themselves. And this is also why our society is so f--ked up. Liking a certain type of music will not make you ‘pick’ your sexuality you dumb f--k.
"P.S. my son just got accepted into the most prestigious private school in Los Angeles because he’s smart as f--k and creative as f--k like his parents. Let’s do better for the next generation people. Grow the f*ck up and teach ur kids to love and not hate.
"P.S.S. Regardless if he’s gay or straight when he gets older he will be around the most amazing loving people that will support him no matter what. FOH (F--k outta here)"
Take that, trolls! You know that you rock out to Shake It Off, Delicate, and Look What You Made Me Do too. Don't deny it