Johnny Depp seen slamming kitchen cabinets in 'drunken' rage, court video shows



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Johnny Depp was seen slamming kitchen cabinets in an apparent drunken rage in footage played during his ongoing defamation trial.

Depp, 58, is suing Amber Heard, 35, after the latter penned an op-ed for The Washington Post in 2018, claiming to be a survivor of domestic violence. He claims the piece clearly defames him and that as a result of the article he was dropped from both the Fantastic Beasts and Pirates of the Caribbean franchises.

On Thursday, a video secretly recorded by his ex-wife was played in court and showed the actor furiously slamming cabinet doors.

Depp can be heard in the video shouting: "Motherf****! Motherf*****!" as he kicks some cabinets.

Adjusting the hidden camera, Heard asks Depp, "What happened?" while he repeatedly slams the cabinets.

She then says: "All I did was say sorry. Did something happen to you? I don't think so. You drank this whole thing this morning? You're smashing s***."

Depp is then seen pouring himself a large glass of wine, saying: "You wanna see crazy? I'll give you f****** crazy."

Check out the video here:

Heard then points to the now nearly empty wine bottle, asking the actor: "Have you drunk this whole thing this morning?" It is then that Depp notices he's being filmed and angrily knocks the device away.

Back in the courtroom, Heard's lawyer Ben Rottenborn tells Depp: "This is at your house in West Hollywood. That's you on the video. You were violent?"

Depp responds: "Clearly I was having a bad time. I don't know what with regard to, but being illegally recorded by your chosen other is quite fitting with the rest of the photographs and tape recordings. She tried to hide it from me and laughed and smiled at the end. That was the most interesting part."

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Credit: Pictorial Press Ltd / Alamy

He then admits: "I did assault a couple of cabinets but I did not touch Ms. Heard."

"You may have been drunk?" Rottenborn asked.

"It's a possibility," Depp responded.

"You poured yourself a mega pint of red wine?" Rottenborn asked.

"A mega pint? I poured myself a large glass of wine. I thought it necessary," Depp said.

Rottenborn then stated: "You're bigger than Amber, physically?"

"I wouldn't say that," Depp said.

"Standards of southern gentleman are not in your mind in this particular moment?" Rottenborn asked.

Depp said: "I don't know about anyone else, but I've had experiences where one does stray from complete control over their emotions at times. I did not try to intimate Ms. Heard. Why was she filming? If she was scared to death why didn't she leave?"

Featured image credit: Michael Melia / Alamy