Man who murdered Ashton Kutcher's girlfriend has been given death sentence



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The man who murdered Ashton Kutcher's girlfriend has been given the death penalty.

Michael Thomas Gargiulo, also known as the "Hollywood Ripper", was sentenced at an all-day hearing on Friday 16 July by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Larry P. Fidler, as per the Hollywood Reporter.

Fidler described his crimes as "vicious and frightening" crimes.

The judge said per the Guardian: "Everywhere that Mr. Gargiulo went, death and destruction followed him."

Gargiulo, 45, was sentenced to death for the home-invasion murder of Ashley Ellerin, 22 - who had been romantically involved with Ashton Kutcher, and Maria Bruno, 32 - and the attempted murder of Michelle Murphy. 

Ellerin was murdered in her home in 2001 as she prepared to meet Kutcher, who explained that he was late to pick her up, and she did not answer the door when he called.

He then looked inside and saw bloodstains that he thought were spilled wine, however, on closer inspection Ellerin was found stabbed 47 times.

At the trial, prosecutors argued that the 22-year-old was killed by a man who was jealous of Kutcher.

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Credit: Alamy / REUTERS

Her father, Michael Ellerin, explained that he had visited his daughter just hours before her life was taken, and said that he was tempted to mimic his wife's "mournful scream and primal wailing" when she discovered that their daughter was dead. 

Gargiulo was also convicted of murdering 32-year-old Maria Bruno in her Los Angeles home in 2005.

As well as this, Gargiulo was convicted of the attempted murder of Michelle Murphy, who managed to fight off Gargiulo.

This resulted in him leaving a trail of blood from her apartment which, in turn, resulted in him being arrested for Ellerin and Bruno's murders. 

She said: "To this day, spending the night alone creates a world of fear in me." 

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Credit: Alamy / Michael Thomas Gargiulo

Murphy cried in court as she recounted her experience and expressed her sympathy for the two murdered women's families.

She added: "How is it fair that one person's actions can destroy the lives of so many?"

Prosecutors dubbed Gargiulo the "The Boy Next Door Killer", explaining that he lived close to the women and stalked them before carrying out his crimes.

He said in court: "I'm going to death row wrongfully and unjustfully. I did want to testify and my fundamental choice was blocked."

The Associated Press reports that it is unlikely that Gargiulo will receive the death penalty any time soon as the state of California has not executed someone since 2006, with Governor Gavin Newsom preventing executions since he has been in office. 

Featured image credit: Alamy / REUTERS

Man who murdered Ashton Kutcher's girlfriend has been given death sentence



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The man who murdered Ashton Kutcher's girlfriend has been given the death penalty.

Michael Thomas Gargiulo, also known as the "Hollywood Ripper", was sentenced at an all-day hearing on Friday 16 July by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Larry P. Fidler, as per the Hollywood Reporter.

Fidler described his crimes as "vicious and frightening" crimes.

The judge said per the Guardian: "Everywhere that Mr. Gargiulo went, death and destruction followed him."

Gargiulo, 45, was sentenced to death for the home-invasion murder of Ashley Ellerin, 22 - who had been romantically involved with Ashton Kutcher, and Maria Bruno, 32 - and the attempted murder of Michelle Murphy. 

Ellerin was murdered in her home in 2001 as she prepared to meet Kutcher, who explained that he was late to pick her up, and she did not answer the door when he called.

He then looked inside and saw bloodstains that he thought were spilled wine, however, on closer inspection Ellerin was found stabbed 47 times.

At the trial, prosecutors argued that the 22-year-old was killed by a man who was jealous of Kutcher.

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Credit: Alamy / REUTERS

Her father, Michael Ellerin, explained that he had visited his daughter just hours before her life was taken, and said that he was tempted to mimic his wife's "mournful scream and primal wailing" when she discovered that their daughter was dead. 

Gargiulo was also convicted of murdering 32-year-old Maria Bruno in her Los Angeles home in 2005.

As well as this, Gargiulo was convicted of the attempted murder of Michelle Murphy, who managed to fight off Gargiulo.

This resulted in him leaving a trail of blood from her apartment which, in turn, resulted in him being arrested for Ellerin and Bruno's murders. 

She said: "To this day, spending the night alone creates a world of fear in me." 

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Credit: Alamy / Michael Thomas Gargiulo

Murphy cried in court as she recounted her experience and expressed her sympathy for the two murdered women's families.

She added: "How is it fair that one person's actions can destroy the lives of so many?"

Prosecutors dubbed Gargiulo the "The Boy Next Door Killer", explaining that he lived close to the women and stalked them before carrying out his crimes.

He said in court: "I'm going to death row wrongfully and unjustfully. I did want to testify and my fundamental choice was blocked."

The Associated Press reports that it is unlikely that Gargiulo will receive the death penalty any time soon as the state of California has not executed someone since 2006, with Governor Gavin Newsom preventing executions since he has been in office. 

Featured image credit: Alamy / REUTERS