Something very strange happens when you hit a level of fame. For most people on the planet, you cease to be a person with flaws and feelings, and become a 'celebrity'. Your every move is now watched by paparazzi, whether that means heading to buy some milk and eggs when you're hungover or taking you kid to school. Whatever you say will be taken out of context and any mistakes on your part will be used against you for the rest of your career.
When it's put like that, it doesn't sound that great, does it? However, one way to avoid all of this is to stay far away from social media. Platforms like Twitter and Instagram offer fans the ability to interact with their heroes, but also means that people start to feel like they can say whatever they want - which isn't always the nicest thing.
Speaking to Cosmopolitan recently, Mila Kunis revealed that she thinks many social media platforms have become mostly negative - which is why she stays away from them entirely.
“I was so late to that train,” she told the magazine. “I remember at some point my roommate was like, 'You know, there’s a thing called Facebook,' and I was like, 'What is this Facebook? Who’s gonna poke each other? That’s just weird.'”
According to the actress, her husband, Ashton Kutcher, was on the social media train before she had any interest - but they both soon found it wasn't what they hoped it would be:
“He used to be incredibly forward-thinking with social media, when the intent was to connect to people.
“But it took an ugly turn and became all about who can be the loudest, who can be the angriest and the most negative. Then it’s just not a fun game to play.”
“He used to be incredibly forward-thinking with social media, when the intent was to connect to people.
“But it took an ugly turn and became all about who can be the loudest, who can be the angriest and the most negative. Then it’s just not a fun game to play.”
“He used to be incredibly forward-thinking with social media, when the intent was to connect to people.
“But it took an ugly turn and became all about who can be the loudest, who can be the angriest and the most negative. Then it’s just not a fun game to play.”
Kunis then spoke about the way the media reports on her every move, what she's wearing, what she's doing and where she's going. There's been plenty of false reporting about her relationship with Kutcher, resulting in her husband absolutely shutting down one publication for accusing him of cheating on her.
"I genuinely don’t know what’s written about me... other than I know that I’m pregnant about once a year and my husband and I are getting a divorce once a year,” she said. “I know this because I go down the grocery store aisle, and I see it on the cover of magazines and I’m like, 'Oh, boy, OK!'"
One thing's for sure, if I ever get famous and marry someone like Ashton Kutcher, there's no chance I'll be reading the tabloid articles about me either.