New 'Trump card' for his die-hard supporters likened to Nazi emblem



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Donald Trump has launched a range of special cards for his die-hard supporters to carry.

According to Business Insider, the PAC of the former President of the United States sent an email out on Wednesday, August 4, asking his fans to start carrying specially-designed red-and-gold cards bearing his signature.

The first email read: "The card you select will be carried by Patriots all around the Country. They will be a sign of your dedicated support to our movement to SAVE AMERICA, and I'm putting my full trust in you. [sic]"

In a follow-up email, a spokesperson for the Trump team added: "We're about to launch our Official Trump Cards, which will be reserved for President Trump's STRONGEST supporters.

"We recently met with the President in his Florida office and showed him four designs.

"Originally we were planning on releasing just one design, but when President Trump saw the cards on his desk, he said: 'These are BEAUTIFUL. We should let the American People decide - they ALWAYS know best!' [sic]"

Credit: Alamy/Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert

However, when images of one of the cards, featuring a prominent eagle with its wings unfurled, emerged on social media, a number of Twitter users immediately began comparing the design to that used in Nazi insignia.

One Twitter user quipped: "I see Trump cards replaced the swastika with his signature that looks like a doodle of a KKK rally. Nice touch."

Another person commented: "Trump card = Nazi card. PERIOD."

A third person made the pun: "Did Nazi this coming. Trump Cards"

Journalist David Leavitt then wrote angrily: "I did not expect to wake up to 'Trump cards' and 'Third Reich' trending. I'm so sick of these Nazi f***ers who want to 'Heil Trump.'"

Then this person compared the Trump cards directly to a Nazi symbol, writing: "Is it still coincidence if similarities occur too often? Asking for history?"

And another critic added simply: "Next will be armbands."

Finally, another drew attention to the fact that the cards featured a typo, with the word "Official" spelled as "Offical."

They joked: "Sure, they're Nazis, but they're not grammar Nazis."

This incident comes not long after the ex-POTUS declared that he believes himself popular enough to beat George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in an election.

Featured Image Credit: Alamy/UPI

New 'Trump card' for his die-hard supporters likened to Nazi emblem



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Donald Trump has launched a range of special cards for his die-hard supporters to carry.

According to Business Insider, the PAC of the former President of the United States sent an email out on Wednesday, August 4, asking his fans to start carrying specially-designed red-and-gold cards bearing his signature.

The first email read: "The card you select will be carried by Patriots all around the Country. They will be a sign of your dedicated support to our movement to SAVE AMERICA, and I'm putting my full trust in you. [sic]"

In a follow-up email, a spokesperson for the Trump team added: "We're about to launch our Official Trump Cards, which will be reserved for President Trump's STRONGEST supporters.

"We recently met with the President in his Florida office and showed him four designs.

"Originally we were planning on releasing just one design, but when President Trump saw the cards on his desk, he said: 'These are BEAUTIFUL. We should let the American People decide - they ALWAYS know best!' [sic]"

Credit: Alamy/Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert

However, when images of one of the cards, featuring a prominent eagle with its wings unfurled, emerged on social media, a number of Twitter users immediately began comparing the design to that used in Nazi insignia.

One Twitter user quipped: "I see Trump cards replaced the swastika with his signature that looks like a doodle of a KKK rally. Nice touch."

Another person commented: "Trump card = Nazi card. PERIOD."

A third person made the pun: "Did Nazi this coming. Trump Cards"

Journalist David Leavitt then wrote angrily: "I did not expect to wake up to 'Trump cards' and 'Third Reich' trending. I'm so sick of these Nazi f***ers who want to 'Heil Trump.'"

Then this person compared the Trump cards directly to a Nazi symbol, writing: "Is it still coincidence if similarities occur too often? Asking for history?"

And another critic added simply: "Next will be armbands."

Finally, another drew attention to the fact that the cards featured a typo, with the word "Official" spelled as "Offical."

They joked: "Sure, they're Nazis, but they're not grammar Nazis."

This incident comes not long after the ex-POTUS declared that he believes himself popular enough to beat George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in an election.

Featured Image Credit: Alamy/UPI