If you spend enough time scrolling through the endless feeds of Instagram, the chances are that you'll find something a little bit sketchy. I mean, you only have to scan a dozen or so of the Kardashian's posts and you'll come across Kendall's questionable feet, some cringe-worthy throwbacks, and - how could we forget - a whole bunch of Kim's nudes.
However, there are far worse things out there than Kendall Jenner's creepy toes.
In recent months, one of the most controversial accounts on the social media platform made the news because of its depiction of nude women and sex parties. We're talking, of course, about the Candy Shop Mansion Instagram.
If you weren't familiar with him, the "Candyman" is an Australian millionaire and heir to the FreeChoice tobacco empire who appears to spend most of his time hosting "Freaks Unleashed" parties, sleeping with tons of women, and posting photos of both those escapades on social media.
Unsurprisingly, because so many of the pictures he uploaded contained some pretty explicit nudity (one picture even showed a woman in the shower), it's now been shut down.
The Candy Shop Mansion account had amassed more than 800,000 thirsty followers before it got banned, many of whom would leave derogatory comments about the women featured in some of the images.
The Candyman has described himself as "a cross between The Great Gatsby, Hugh Hefner, The Wolf of Wall Street and Tony Stark, with a taste for Versace, who can easily turn into a Willy Wonka character", and frequently appeared in Insta pics alongside various scantily-clad women.
A few weeks ago, Beynon came under fire for posting a video of one of the women at his parties getting the name of his company - FreeChoice - tattooed on her behind. He captioned the clip, "business is business". Photos then emerged of other women sporting the same tattoo, and it transpired that the Candyman had been encouraging people to get the inkwork done to either earn an invitation to one of his parties or prove their loyalty to him.
Speaking about the ban, the Candy Shop Mansion's event manager, Belinda Gavin, said: "It’s been destructive for us because we were just about to roll out more marketing. It’s discriminatory because loads of other accounts out there have worse content."
Meanwhile, Beynon's personal account is still active - though it contains considerably tamer images. Some of the pictures even show his two young daughters posing beside the Candy Shop party attendees; which is a little strange, to say the least.
Though Beynon is married, he claims to have ten girlfriends and has previously said that he sleeps with around four different women every night. "In bed, there's four girls as an average," he said. "I often don't get much sleep."
Well, nobody can stop the Candyman from doing what he wants on his own time, but Instagram have certainly put their foot down about what he can or cannot do on their platform, and he's not happy about it.