Rebecca Black looks like a totally new person in appearance on reality show



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The day is Thursday February 10, 2011. The world woke up without knowing that their lives would be changed by the end of the day, all because of one song: Friday.

While the song hadn't officially hit the charts yet, it was the music video that really drew attention to Rebecca Black's music, although maybe not for the best reasons.

Yes, it's a little confusing that a music video about a song called Friday was released on a Thursday - but I'm not exactly a marketing expert. Anyway, it was the next week that the single was released for listeners to buy, so they had a second chance. 'Friday' hit the charts on a March 14, which was a... Monday. Wait.

What the hell Rebecca!?

It worked out for her, despite the fact she messed with our brains over the release schedule. The video initially received 4,000 views, which was enough for the then-13-year-old singer. But after it got spread across social media, it quickly achieved huge numbers - but didn't exactly get a positive reception.

Within a month, they had to disable comments on the video due to abusive users, and by June it had 3.2 million dislikes against 454,000 likes. At the end of the day, that still meant it had 166 million views at that point - before it had to be removed due to legal disputes with ARK Music.

The video was re-uploaded later that year, and has managed to get up to 121 million views since then. Take a walk down memory lane and revisit the music video:


Now she's 20 years old, proving just how time flies when you're having fun (just kidding, the last two years have been a dumpster fire). She's had quite a few singles since then, including the sequel to 'Friday', named 'Saturday' - a song that was released on December 3, 2013, which was a... Monday.

Well, at least she released the music video on the right day that time, so we could all enjoy the first day of the weekend to this jam:


Honestly, this song is pretty good, and even pokes fun at her original hit. But I'm the guy who genuinely enjoyed Friday when it first came out, so maybe don't listen to me.

More recently, Black made an appearance on 'The Four: Battle for Stardom', where she stood in front of judges Sean Combs, Meghan Trainor and DJ Khaled to audition - singing 'Bye Bye Bye' from NSYNC. It was here that she opened up about what it's been like living under the shadow of her viral hit:

"The hate comments were everywhere. No one can prep you for that kind of thing. There is something so brutal when you’re 13, about people telling you don’t belong here.

"There was definitely a moment where I got really close to giving up on my music. You should never let anyone tell you what you love to do is wrong."


This video has everything - music, an emotional speech, and DJ Khaled and P Diddy sharing absolute confusion over who Rebecca Black is. Based on this audition, she got through to the next round - but unfortunately didn't make it that much further.

Either way, I'm eagerly looking forward to 'Sunday', which I sincerely hope is in the works.