Picture, if you will, the Royal Family sitting at a dinner table. The Queen chatting away, having just knocked back her fourth drink of the day. Prince George sitting precociously. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle gazing into each other's lovestruck eyes. Prince Phillip sitting like he's got ants in his pants, at any time mere seconds away from saying something supremely bizarre.
What you're probably not imagining, though, is what's actually on their plates. In a perfect world, unconstrained by royal menus and the scrutiny of others around them, what would the Queen, Prince William, Kate Middleton et al chow down on? Luckily for you, we're about to find out.
1. Kate Middleton loves her some Indian takeoutSpeaking very recently on BBC Radio 1, Kate Middleton starts the ball rolling, by not only confirming that she eschews the home cooking from time to time, but also that her greasy takeaway of choice is in fact a good curry. Husband Prince William probably won't join in as he's "not so good with spicy food" but if you ask me, the more the merrier.
2. Princess Charlotte is just like every little girlIf you're ever curious about what the royal children like to eat if they get the opportunity to choose, it might make you feel better to know that Princess Charlotte at least doesn't have food preferences that are outlandish at all. For Will and Kate's second child, it's all about the pasta. Girl after my own heart.
3. Prince George doesn't buck the trend eitherIf you were ever to hang out with Prince George for some reason (let's say you scored a job as royal babysitter), and he told you that he was hungry, it would be remiss of you to go and find some McDonald's. No, Prince George is all about the cheesy goodness that is pizza, as his mum revealed last year. Especially if he gets to make the dough himself.
4. Meghan Markle loves her some french friesAt this point, guys, we've talked about Meghan Markle's favourite foods ad nauseam. I'd expect you to be able to order her an entire meal, should she need you to. But one thing that stands atop all are the humble bits of potato that are french fries. I can certainly get behind that.
5. Prince William likes to keep it traditionalBased on what we know about his curry preferences, I'm getting the feeling that Prince William has a very traditionally British palate; lots of meat, lots of veg, potatoes too. So it's no surprise that at a recent interview Will revealed that the roast was his favourite meal to cook. "I like a roast. So a bit of roast chicken or a steak,” he said, adding that he liked it "medium rare". I'm assuming he's talking about the steak rather than the chicken.
6. Prince Philip is one for the grillPicture it now: Prince Philip standing over a grill, spatula in one hand, beer in the other, an apron wrapped tightly around his waist. The wild flames lighting up his 97-year-old face as he cackles in delight. "Who wants a burger?" he asks with the zest and fervour of a man half his age. Prince Philip loves him some open-cooked food. If the Queen permits it, of course.
7. Prince Harry is very much a dessert manThough he was forced to undergo a crash diet in order to be in tip top shape for his wedding to Meghan Markle, I'm sure that now he's tied the knot, Prince Harry will let loose with some dessert once in a while. Top of the list, according to former royal chef Darren McGrady, is caramel banana cake. Harry - along with his dearly-missed mother Princess Diana - could never turn it down, and who could blame him?
8. The Queen's guilty pleasure is left-field, to say the leastTo finish us off here, let's look at Her Majesty the Queen's favourite dish. Being y'know, the Queen of England, she's got pretty much anything at her disposal should she require it. So what does she love the most? Caviar? Steak? Actually, the answer is cereal. McGrady again here, revealing that the Queen is ultimately a breakfast person, and her food of choice is in fact Kellogg's Special K.
Well there you have it - if you didn't have a clear idea of what the Royal Family like to eat, you do now. What will you do with that information. Please, let me know. I'm dying to find out.