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Trying something new can be a daunting and nerve-wracking task. Many of us are creatures of habit and we take comfort in sticking to the status quo and staying in our lanes.
However, whenever we do try something new and exciting, it usually results in a feeling of pride, and we’re often left with a smile on our faces and our heads held high.
One person who is sure to grasp every opportunity that comes his way is musician and YouTuber Yung Filly - and now he’s teamed up with Peperami to encourage others to do the same.
In an effort to highlight how trying something different can add so much spice to your life, Yung Filly invited his good friend and fellow YouTuber Harry Pinero to step out of his comfort zone and try something he’s never done before.
Yes, Filly was challenging Harry to “go a bit Peperami”, which is when somebody broadens their horizons and tries something fun and quirky for the first time.
After booking his friend a three-hour cab ride to the middle of nowhere, it’s safe to say that Harry was feeling a little nervous about what Filly had in store for him.
“I don’t know if this is a prank,” Harry said. “I feel like he’s going to make me look like a fool today, I can see it. So, I don’t know, I’m a bit skeptical.”

When Harry finally arrived in the middle of the woods, he was greeted by strangers dressed in medieval clothing and brandishing swords and shields. Before he even saw Filly, Harry was forced to ask: “What’s this guy got me doing?!”
And then; “Introducing Sir Yung Filly, Master of Jokes and Laughter!”
The time had come for a very confused Harry to find out what he would be doing for the day.
“You’re going to be doing LARPing,” Filly proudly announced.
To which, an even more bewildered Harry quickly asked: “What’s that?”

LARPing stands for ‘live action role-playing’ and often involves a group of people coming together to embody fictional characters and act out scenes or complete tasks. The fictional setting can be about anything, but in this instance, Filly’s team were medieval warriors preparing for combat.
And if you’ve ever seen Harry’s YouTube channel, it’s safe to say that LARPing is worlds away from what he’s used to.

Harry was then introduced to his coach and LARPing expert Gideon, who informed his new recruit: “Right Harry, you’re going to get dressed up, you’re going to get a character, and you’re going to get a weapon. You’re going to learn to use that weapon.
“And then, at the end of today, you’re going to go on to the battlefield, Harry, and you’re going to be victorious.”

Adopting the moniker of Bartholomew the First, Harry received his sword and garb, and was ready for combat training.
And I don’t think either Harry or Filly could have predicted just how much fun they would have sparring with Gideon:
After learning how to lunge, swing, and block their opponents (and even introducing their own heel and toe movements to their arsenal), it was time for Filly and Harry to take to the battlefield.
The battle was fierce! But in a moment of heartache, Harry - sorry, Bartholomew - witnessed his dear friend, Sir Filly, struck down by a large foam axe in the throes of war.

The pair embraced their roles and played along brilliantly, with a tearful Bartholomew begging a fallen Sir Filly: “Don’t leave me, please!”
In his final act, Sir Filly handed down his beloved Peperami Chicken Bites, which - combined with Bartholomew’s will to avenge his fallen ally - proved to be the protein-packed punch the warrior needed to strike down the champion.

“He’s dead, the champion is dead,” Gideon proclaimed - and with that, the battle was over.
Following the role-play, a beaming Fillly told Harry, “I put you in an uncomfortable position, and I felt like, during it, you started to love it!”
“This is not for the faint-hearted, but you know what? Thank you for bringing me out here. This was something I’ve never done before. The fighting… that big brother scared the life out of me.”

After seeing Filly get struck down in the heat of battle, Harry revealed that he knew he had to go a bit Peperami and fully embrace the quirky world of LARPing, in order to vindicate his fallen friend and become champion.
With that said, it was time for Filly to award Harry his very own Peperami coat of arms - a constant reminder that if you choose to go a bit Peperami and step out of your comfort zone, you can also feel like a champion!