Christmas jumpers mocking Jeffery Epstein's death become unlikely holiday trend



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Holiday bestsellers are often easy to predict, but 2019 has had an unlikely hit: Christmas jumpers mocking Jeffery Epstein's death.

In August, the convicted pedophile was found hanged in his prison cell in what was declared a suicide. However, because of his connection to other high profile figures including Prince Andrew and President Trump, it wasn't long before conspiracy theories emerged, suggesting that the 66-year-old was, in fact, murdered.

In the video below, this Fox News guest claims that Epstein didn't kill himself: 

One advert for a $19.80 sweater featuring Epstein in a Santa hat reads: "Christmas lights are a lot like Epstein - they don't hang themselves."

"During Christmas, an elf may sit on a shelf, but Epstein didn't kill himself," another Amazon sweater, available in eight colors for $29.99, reads.

"Dasher & dancer & prancer & Epstein & didn't & kill himself & Donner & Blitzen,"reads a $18.99 T-shirt.

However, the jumpers aren't the only Epstein-themed merchandise available this holiday season.

There's also a gingerbread-themed ornament in a classic design that comes in a checked box that reads: "Epstein didn't kill himself."

"Merry Christmas!" reads the cover of a $6.99 notebook, "Epstein didn’t kill himself."

In addition to this, you can purchase a ransom-style note sweater with "Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself," featuring other famous faces including Donald TrumpHillary Clinton and Kim Jong-un.

Credit: 4402

After Epstein's death, an unofficial financier was confirmed which stated that the businessman's life ended via suicide by hanging. The 66-year-old is reported to have killed himself using a bedsheet in his Metropolitan Correctional Center - a day after hundreds of court documents revealing the extent of his alleged abuse were made public.

Emerson College poll conducted a poll about Epstein's death and just 33% of respondents said that they believed the 66-year-old died by his own hand.

In fact, a forensic pathologist has said Epstein's autopsy "points to homicide".