Clocking in at around three hours, one thing you can't say about Avengers: Endgame is that it's half-baked. Some have found issues with the story and with certain character arcs, but as pure comic book fantasy and as a rollercoaster ride of unadulterated glee, there's nothing like the 22nd film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
By the time Robert Downey Jr's signature shows up in the credits, moviegoers were completely emotionally spent, but Marvel and the Russo brothers could have wrung one last drop out of our exhausted tear ducts, had they chosen to do so.
There was a heartbreaking scene cut from Avengers: Endgame, and it featured one of the big-name actresses that was curiously left out of the film entirely.
Here's that Avengers: Endgame trailer. It's almost as good as the movie:Fans of the Netflix show 13 Reasons Why will be well familiar with the dramatic stylings of Katherine Langford, but they won't be familiar with her role in Avengers: Endgame. The film's directors Anthony and Joe Russo appeared on the Josh Horowitz podcast Happy Sad Confused, where the Russos explained who Langford played, and why the scene was cut.
I'm not going to beat around the bush here: Langford was supposed to play a teenage version of Morgan Stark, Tony Stark's daughter who's only five years old in the official movie canon. But... how?
"There was an idea that we had that Tony was gonna go into the metaphysical way station that Thanos goes into [in Infinity War]," explained Joe Russo. Thanos, after snapping his fingers and killing all of our favourite characters in Infinity War, has a rather interesting vision involving his daughter Gamora.
Check out this incredible behind-the-scenes clip from the Endgame set:Tony goes through a similar thing, but once he snaps his fingers, he'd be face to face with a teenage version of his own daughter, who would forgive her father and give him peace right before he died. There's a possibility that the "I love you 3,000" line would have made it into this scene, and good thing it didn't - I would've had no more tears left to cry with.
So, why'd they cut it in the end? "We realized that we didn't feel an emotional association with his adult daughter... It wasn't ringing to us [or] resonating with us on an emotional level," Anthony Russo explained, and although it would have been devastating, you can't help but agree.
Ah well, I guess I'll just have to settle for only kind of emotionally devastated. Thanks a lot, Russo brothers.