Per, Christian activist Dave Daubenmire is planning to sue the National Football League for "$867 trillion" because he believes the Super Bowl LIV halftime show could "could keep him out of heaven".
Despite the fact many viewers around the world adored the electrifying show put on by Jennifer Lopez and Shakira, Daubenmire claims it was discriminatory against the Christian community.
Both Shakira and J-Lo showed off their best dance skills throughout the performance - which featured Shakira belly dancing and twerking, before Lopez reprised her role Ramona Vega from the movie Hustlers and pole danced on stage.
Viewers adored Shakira's ululation and crowd surfing during the performance:Speaking on his podcast, Pass the Salt, Daubenmire argued:
"I think we ought to sue. Would that have been rated PG? Were there any warnings that your 12-year-old son - whose hormones are just starting to operate - was there any warning that what he was going to see might cause him to get sexually excited?
"Could I go into a courtroom and say, 'Viewing what you put on that screen put me in danger of hellfire' You didn’t tell me I was going to watch it! You just brought it into my living room."

Daubenmire then suggested the halftime performance was "discriminatory" towards Christians, adding:
"You didn’t tell me there were going to be crotch shots. That's discriminatory against the value I have in my house. You can’t just do that. I want to sue them for about $867 trillion..
He added: "I think we ought to go sit down in a courtroom and present this as evidence of how whoever [put on the halftime show] is keeping me from getting into the kingdom of Heaven."
In a follow-up video Daubenmire posted to Facebook, he claimed he was in the process of finding a lawyer, and intends to file a class-action lawsuit against the NFL, Pepsi (the sponsors of the halftime show), and his local cable company for "pandering pornography to minors".
Check out that video below:In the video, he states:
"I’m serious as a judge here. I’m looking for a lawyer out there, somebody who will join me in a class-action lawsuit.
"What we saw yesterday was a strip club performance … Are we going to protect our children or not? I tuned in to watch a football game — I didn’t tune it to watch porn show.
"Why are they allowed to pump that right into my home without my approval? I didn’t tune in to see J. Lo’s crotch."
Jennifer Lopez performs with her 11-year-old daughter Emme during the halftime show:Furthering his point on his website,, Daubenmire compared the act to a "strip club" show, writing:
"The NFL pumped porn into our homes. They didn’t tell us that they were going to do it. They put no warning on the screen before J-Lo started her strip-club act. The consciences of millions of innocent children were violated without warning. We turned in to watch the pig skin and as a bonus got a trip to the pig pen. They violated the sanctity of our homes without our approval.
"Could J-Lo get away with that act in a public elementary school? What gives them the right to pump that sewage into our homes and violate the sanctity without warning? I don’t know what law they violated…obscenity…pandering…corruption of a minor…but let’s find one. Let’s sue them all. Let’s go for the throat.
"This is not a free-speech issue. J-Lo and here gaggle of exhibitionists have no right to come into my home uninvited. They pumped lewd videos into our homes without proper notification. There was no chance to protect the young eyes gathered around the family tube. I went to a football game and an orgy broke out."