Neville Longbottom actor has perfect response to Tom Felton's post about ageing



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It's a truth universally acknowledged that Neville Longbottom actor Matthew Lewis has undergone the mother of all glow-ups down the intervening years from his first appearance in the Harry Potter films.

Cast as the hapless, accident-prone Neville, Matthew Lewis was excellent in the films, portraying Neville as a kindly but ultimately blundering influence on life in Gryffindor Tower and Hogwarts at large.

Neville isn't the only one who got ripped after starring in Potter, check out this Harry Potter star flexing his muscles:

Terrified of Professor Snape, far from a high flier in class and perennially finding strife and bother round every corner due to his bad memory, Neville was not necessarily a character Potter fans ever expected to be falling head over heels for one day.

And yet.


Here we are.


Head over heels.


For Neville Longbottom.


Essentially, if there were to be a poster board for ageing in the most jaw-droppingly handsome manner possible, Matthew Lewis would be front and centre, all jaunty grins and washboard abs.

Anyway, we got distracted there, didn't we?

Back to the matter at hand.

On Friday, Tom Felton posted a hilarious picture to Instagram of himself, replete in Slytherin robes, posing alongside a portrait of his famous character, Draco Malfoy.


Frankly, we think Felton looks utterly dashing these days, but he's obviously more than happy to poke a little fun at himself for the 'gram, and that's great.

But resident Hogwarts expert-on-going-through-puberty Matthew Lewis just had to chime in with the perfect response to Felton's upload.

He commented "Speak for yourself lad!", much to the internet's amusement.

[[imagecaption|| Credit: Instagram/Comments by celebs]]

The comment wasn't missed by those hawk-eyed folk over at the Comments by Celebs Instagram page, who pointed out the hilarious badinage to their own followers.

Relive this classic Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger moment in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban:


So, what do you know? Neville Longbottom and Draco Malfoy ended up as friends after all, and fans are still being treated to premium Potter content more than 20 years after the first book was published.

Neville Longbottom actor has perfect response to Tom Felton's post about ageing



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It's a truth universally acknowledged that Neville Longbottom actor Matthew Lewis has undergone the mother of all glow-ups down the intervening years from his first appearance in the Harry Potter films.

Cast as the hapless, accident-prone Neville, Matthew Lewis was excellent in the films, portraying Neville as a kindly but ultimately blundering influence on life in Gryffindor Tower and Hogwarts at large.

Neville isn't the only one who got ripped after starring in Potter, check out this Harry Potter star flexing his muscles:

Terrified of Professor Snape, far from a high flier in class and perennially finding strife and bother round every corner due to his bad memory, Neville was not necessarily a character Potter fans ever expected to be falling head over heels for one day.

And yet.


Here we are.


Head over heels.


For Neville Longbottom.


Essentially, if there were to be a poster board for ageing in the most jaw-droppingly handsome manner possible, Matthew Lewis would be front and centre, all jaunty grins and washboard abs.

Anyway, we got distracted there, didn't we?

Back to the matter at hand.

On Friday, Tom Felton posted a hilarious picture to Instagram of himself, replete in Slytherin robes, posing alongside a portrait of his famous character, Draco Malfoy.


Frankly, we think Felton looks utterly dashing these days, but he's obviously more than happy to poke a little fun at himself for the 'gram, and that's great.

But resident Hogwarts expert-on-going-through-puberty Matthew Lewis just had to chime in with the perfect response to Felton's upload.

He commented "Speak for yourself lad!", much to the internet's amusement.

[[imagecaption|| Credit: Instagram/Comments by celebs]]

The comment wasn't missed by those hawk-eyed folk over at the Comments by Celebs Instagram page, who pointed out the hilarious badinage to their own followers.

Relive this classic Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger moment in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban:


So, what do you know? Neville Longbottom and Draco Malfoy ended up as friends after all, and fans are still being treated to premium Potter content more than 20 years after the first book was published.