Game of Thrones is nearly over, and I'm sure I'm not the only person wondering how all the loose ends are going to be tied up. Luckily, that's when the die-hard fans come in - with their sometimes tangible, but oftentimes crazy theories.
The latest prediction to take the internet by hold is that Daenerys Targaryen could be getting a fourth dragon, which you know, could just help save the day.
The most recent teaser for episode five begins with a lingering shot of Tyrion Lannister at Dragonstone. Following this, we see Euron Greyjoy looking at the sky, seeming rather confused as a dragon roars overhead.
As we know, Euron's already seen Drogon in action, meaning that whatever's going on above him is a bit of a surprise.
Now, to circle back to Tyrion and George R.R. Martin’s books, there are numerous theories which detail that Tyrion could actually be a Targaryen - something which would explain his father's disdain from him. So if this theory pans out, it could mean that Tyrion could be the the third head of the dragon in the Targaryen sigil, meaning there may be a chance to see him take flight.
In any case, now that Dany's down one dragon, she could really do with the extra help.
Check out the preview for this week's episode of Game of Thrones:If that isn't enough to look forward to, according to HBO, this weekend's instalment will be featuring a major battle in King's Landing.
HBO have confirmed that the episode will be 80 minutes, and that it will be directed by Miguel Sapochnik, who was responsible for the 'The Winds of Winter', 'The Battle of the Bastards', and 'The Long Night'.
And while the episode does not yet have a title, people are convinced that this will be the last major battle episode of the whole series.
And if it's anything like the Battle of Winterfell, it must have required a lot of prep. "I’m shooting for seven and a half months, which is like 130 days, which is longer than most of the big movies that get made," director Miguel Sapochnik told Entertainment Weekly, ahead of the broadcast of episode three.
"So in terms of the amount of work, it’s been six- and seven-day weeks, 16-to-18-hour days, and, yeah, it’s a lot."
His main concern, however, remains to avoid viewers getting what he refers to as "battle fatigue".
"After 20 minutes of watching a battle, you’re over it,” Sapochnik asserted. "So how do you stop it from being a battle in that sense? It feels like the only way to really approach it properly is take every sequence and ask yourself: 'why would I care to keep watching?' One thing I found is the less action—the less fighting—you can have in a sequence, the better."
Well, there's certainly lots to look forward to!