Game of Thrones still has one episode left before the hit HBO series comes to an end, but there are already plenty of people dreading the ending. Opinion has been split between those who genuinely enjoyed this week's shocking episode, and those who feel it was disappointing. Some, even think it has effectively ruined the show for them.
It's definitely hard to bring something as massive as Game of Thrones to a close while satisfying everyone, but the hurried pacing and sudden turns in episode five has angered a considerable amount of the fanbase.
One of the biggest moments that caused frenzied debate online was the scene in which Daenerys decided to attack the citizens of King's Landing - after they'd already surrendered.
Here's the moment Daenerys ignored the bells of surrender:There's been an outpouring of frustration over the new series from those who don't like it, and we've come to expect from the internet, it has started to spiral out of control. Last week's episode is now the worst-reviewed in the history of the show.
But even if you didn't like it, you're probably still going to watch the final episode when it comes out next week. After sitting through 72 episodes (some of these being over an hour in length, too) it's unlikely you're not going to tune in to at least find out what happens. Plus, if you don't watch it on opening night, odds are you're going to have it spoiled when the entire world loudly talks about it the next day.
Watch the preview for the final episode below:Those who feel that the amount of time they have invested in the show has been wasted might not be happy with the ending, but there's little they can do about it now it's already on its way to our screens - or is there?
Well, no, there's not, but you can vent your anger in the form of a petition!
Over 12,800 fans have signed a petition titled 'Remake Game of Thrones Season 8 with competent writers,' on, that requests HBO refilm the final season with different writers - and they are now just a little shy of their 15,000 goal. In the description, the author writes:
"David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have proven themselves to be woefully incompetent writers when they have no source material (i.e. the books) to fall back on. This series deserves a final season that makes sense. Subvert my expectations and make it happen, HBO!"
Those who are signing on are possibly doing so in the hope of making a big statement of how much they dislike the show - but if they're actually trying to get it remade, they may be disappointed all over again.
Petition signee Englane Read commented: "The writing is diabolical, the storylines nonsensical. We deserve so much better than this."

The program is already the most expensive show in history, with an estimated $90 million spent on this season alone, so it would be a huge undertaking for the sake of dissatisfied fans.
David Benioff and D.B. Weiss don't seem to have suffered much from this criticism either, as they are now on track to make their own Star Wars trilogy starting in 2022.