San Fransisco is as being one of the most progressive cities in the world when it comes to its eco-conscious efforts, with a record-breaking 77 percent of its municipal waste being recycled and 1,000 of its hotels being ranked as eco-friendly.
Now, it's home to a giant Greta Thunberg mural, which is due to be completed next week.
In the video below, the teen rebukes world leaders for failing to tackle the climate change emergency:Created by Argentine muralist Andres Iglesias, who signs his art with the pseudonym Cobre, SFGate reported, he hopes it will make people stop and think about the planet.
"Climate change is real," Cobre told SFGate. "This girl Greta is awesome and she knows what she's doing. I hope with this mural people will realize we have to take care of the world."
The project is being funded by the environmental not-for-profit group One Atmosphere, which is reportedly supplying all of the paint for the project, the Guardian reports.
Credit: 1822However, while this might be the largest piece of Thunberg art in existence, it's not the first. Earlier in 2019, a 50ft picture of the teen's face was painted onto a tobacco factory in Bristol by UK-based aerosol artist Jody Thomas.
Graffiti artists deface another mural of Greta:"She's very much in the limelight, very current, very contemporary and she's obviously clearly leading a very, very important issue which affects all of us on the planet," Thomas told the Huffington Post.
Even though she is just 16 years old, Thunberg has been nominated for the Nobel peace prize, become the leader of a movement to save the planet for future generations, the focus of Donald Trump's mockery, and hero among progressives - including Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Credit: 3372Thunberg was catapulted into global fame in September when she became the face of one of the largest environmental protests in history, spanning an estimated 185 counties.
"You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!" Thurnberg said, addressing the United Nations Climate Action Summit.
"My message is that we’ll be watching you," she said.
Well, one thing's for sure, she's going to be literally watching the people of San Fransisco.