Rodrigo Alves, better known as the Human Ken Doll, has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in a bid to get the body of his dreams.
Now, however, Alves' cosmetic procedures may have left the 36-year-old with serious health complications, after he said that his nose is at risk of "sinking" into his face.

Alves made this revelation in an interview with the Mail Online where he said that he would be having another procedure to try to fix the damage to his nose.
"The results of this surgery were very pleasing at first but now I am going to have to have another surgery because it is sinking and I am scared, to be honest," he said.
"Each time is riskier than the last and I'm worried that doctors aren't going to be able to fix my nose permanently."

Alves had his 11th nose job in January in a bid to fix his breathing, which had been obstructed by his previous surgeries.
"My surgeon guaranteed he can fix my breathing, so finally I will be able to breathe again, but there is a risk that my skin will not tolerate the surgery," he said in January after his operation.
"If necrolysis develops it could mean I will lose my nose, so I am on antibiotics and hyperbaric oxygen therapy to reduce the risk of that.
"There is definitely a risk of necrolysis but there are ways to reduce that and I will defeat it if it happens."

Alves has now been warned that any further surgery could cause his nose to sink completely, leaving him with a hole in his face.
While Alves has now gone under the knife 72 times, the television personality said that many of these operations were because he had a "lot of complications and things had to be repaired at the start."
Incredibly, this still hasn't put him off plastic surgery, however, he is only hunting for procedures that don't require anesthesia.