Matthew McConaughey has tickled a lot of pickles with a completely NSFW photo on Instagram to celebrate National Pickle Day. Excuse me while I attempt to tear my eyes away...
According to National Day Calendar, November 14 (AKA National Pickle Day) is a day to recognize "the tart, sometimes sweet, and even spicy pickle.
"It may be a Dill, Gherkin, Cornichon, Brined, Kosher Dill, Polish, Hungarian, Lime, Bread and Butter, Swedish and Danish, or Kool-Aid Pickle. No matter your choice, eat them all day long."
Check out McConaughey discuss his love for the humble pickle:And although many of us are quick to discard them from our hamburgers, it would appear that the 53-year-old actor is such a fan of the versatile pickle, that he posted a throwback image of himself grabbing a jar of them out of the fridge while completely nude.
And, as expected, fans definitely relished in its glory.
Aside from the "alright, alright, alright" comments that McConaughey's posts are almost guaranteed to receive...

...many users took the opportunity to comment some lighthearted humor, with one person writing: "Yeah. This is how my husband gets the pickles out of the fridge. It's really the only way. I ain't complaining."

"Lotta women wishin they were soy sauce right about now [...]," another quipped, referring to the soy sauce bottle that appears situated near McConaughey's... ahem... groin area.

Another person chimed in with: "Who cropped this picture? I'm upset [...]"

"The longer the pickle stays in the jar, the sweeter it is, man," another comment read.

Though, McConaughey isn't a rookie pickler - oh no - as he paid homage to the delicious vegetable last year in a video that he shared on Twitter.
In the short clip - which has gone on to be viewed over 150,000 times - the Oscar winner can be heard saying that he was a "pickle expert" coming "to talk to you about pickles which I love so dearly."
He then holds up a "plump" and "firm" cucumber before saying that, after taking a bite: "It's all hat no cattle. It's all packaging no product. It has no identity. It is tasteless. All it does is take up room in our proverbial salads.
"But what happens when it gets older?" McConaughey continues. "Does it mature with age like a fine wine? Does it get better and become a pickle? Not as firm as it once was. Got a few more bumps on it... even shrunk," he adds.
The father-of-three then says he wants to see what it tastes like, smiling to the camera and saying: "Now we got the product behind the packaging! Now we've got identity, now we've got purpose because we're a pickle. Sour, sweet, dill... it commits. It's the pickle. And you do tickle my fancy."
Now all that's left to ask is how do you like your pickles? Let us know in the comments!