Why some runners opt to wear arm sleeves at the Olympics


By Nasima Khatun

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With more than 11,000 athletes competing at the Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games, it really is interesting to see the subtle differences on how some stars attempt to get the advantage on their opponents.

Now, Olympic athletes endure years of training in order to give them the best shot at winning a medal when the prestigious global event rolls around.

However, while their physical ability plays a massive role in determining how well they do in their respective sports, there are some other factors that they take into consideration in order to help them perform at their best.

And their clothing is one of them.

GettyImages-1484584200.jpgOlympic medalist Mo Farah wearing compression sleeves during the London Marathon in 2023. Credit: Sam Mellish/Getty

But why does this matter so much?

Well, recently many have been noticing that some athletes - especially long-distance runners - are opting to personalize their outfits to suit their desired goals and this includes using long arm sleeves.

One of the biggest reasons for doing so is compression.

Compression sleeves can help reduce swelling induced by longer runs caused by muscle vibrations and tears, which induce an inflammatory response.

This draws excess fluid into the arms which can result in muscle trauma in the area so wearing compression arm sleeves can help prevent the swelling in the first place.

They can also be used as a recovery tool post-race by increasing the blood flow to the arms to reduce the chance of injuries.

GettyImages-1440584064.jpgCompression sleeves are also worn during other sports such as football. Credit: Cooper Neill/Getty

The next reason is related to warmth.

It sounds simple but it's extremely crucial for athletes to remain comfortable and warm while they're running races so the sleeves can provide that for them by reducing wind and rain exposure.

It can also offer a layer of protection from the sun, although runners should also make sure to apply sun protection to protect themselves from being out in UV rays for a long period of time, as per the opinion of many board-certified dermatologists.

GettyImages-609782224.jpgThese sleeves can help with reducing injuries and inflammation as well as providing visibility for the athlete using them. Credit: Alex Trautwig/MLB/Getty

And the final reason relates to safety.

Most running sleeves contain reflective designs on that can help make runners who run on streets more visible to motorists on the road.

This is especially important when it comes to races that are taking place in the evenings or in low-light areas.

So there we have it guys, that's the reason why some runners wear sleeves while they're racing.

The Olympic Games will continue until August 11.

Featured Image Credit: Alex Davidson/Getty