10 Tweets about job interviews that are super relatable



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Job interviews suck. Everyone knows it, and everyone dreads them. It's something that we'd never admit to the folks facing us in that office, who cooly stare at our resume and ask us probing questions about our last job, but it's true. The ]problem is that the long and drawn-out process of looking for jobs, and making those tedious applications, is so boring, mind-numbing and soul destroying, that we leap at the chance to actually go through an interview, even though it's about as painful as a full body wax.

But I suppose that we can take solace in the fact that job interviews are something that everyone has to go through, and they can also be a source of humour ... once they're over and done with that is. If you don't believe me, then check out these 10 hilarious tweets from people on Twitter who have gone through them, and know exactly how awful they really are.

1. Eye contact is key

2. They always ask about hobbies

3. Me at a job interview

4. This is me

5. I'd hire them

6. I'm alarmed

7. Relavent Spongbob

8. Lying that much takes effort

9. The Goldblum fan

10. When the interviewer asks about your relationship status

But if you want an example of a job interview that's gone disastrously wrong then look no further than the following article, which details a bizarre encounter between a job applicant and an interviewee that's sure to raise a few eyebrows.