11 Perfectly timed photographs taken just before disaster struck



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There's always that moment, seconds after you've well and truly messed up, that you have to stand there and take it all in. Whether it's regret over a mistake or the realization that you've been the victim of a prank, it takes a little time for it to completely sink in.

On the other side of this is the moment just before it hits. The split-second before disaster strikes is not one we're all too aware of, but in these perfectly-timed photos, we get to see them in all their glory.

1. 'Why are they taking a photo of me...' 2. Truly a catastrophe 3. That poor kid on the left 4. 'How did I end up here?' 5. This can only go one way 6. I have so many questions 7. Christmas present gone wrong 8. The face you make when you know you've screwed up 9. The downside to snow 10. Brutal 11. Just before it all goes wrong

The second after these photos were taken, these people's lives changed forever. Well, maybe not that much, but being drenched in water when you're sunbathing is bound to put a dampener on your day.

If you want to see more perfectly-timed photos, these pictures will definitely make you look twice.