15 Mind-blowing facts that will leave you feeling dizzy



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Everybody loves to hear a good fact now and then. Whether it's used as an icebreaker, a little nugget of knowledge in a chat with a friend, or literally a whole topic of conversation in itself, we love learning new things - and we love sharing them, too.

So, without further ado, here are 15 facts for you to enjoy...

1. A million seconds is 11 days, but a billion seconds is equivalent to 31 years 2. If you could drive upwards, it would only take an hour to get to outer space 3. Oxford University in England is older than the Aztec Empire 4. Chickens can survive after being decapitated - one even lived for 18 months after losing his head 5. Approximately 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets every single year 6. Some people experience the same type of arousal by food as they do during sex 7. The US contains more plastic flamingos than real ones 8. Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood because metal was too valuable to waste 9. More Monopoly money is printed each year than official US currency 10. Cats sleep for more than 70 percent of their lives 11. China owns all the pandas on the planet and rents them out to zoos around the world 12. Queen Elizabeth II is a qualified mechanic 13. Ravens are able to talk and have sometimes been proven to do so better than parrots 14. Melbourne once gave some of its trees email addresses so that people could report problems, but they received love letters instead 15. Space is said to smell of a mixture of diesel fumes, gunpowder and barbecue 

So, next time you're put on the spot for a cool fact, drop one of these into the conversation.