6-year-old designs mommy-daughter dresses, mom turns them into reality


By Asiya Ali

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A mom has found a unique way of immortalizing her daughter's drawings - by turning them into dresses.

What do some parents do with their child's random doodles around the house? Probably preserve a few while tossing the rest in the trash away from their prying eyes.

Meanwhile, other parents will use their child's expressive and exciting ideas by bringing their drawings to life and creating something memorable.

That's what this mother did when she took to Twitter to reveal how she turned her six-year-old daughter's imagination into reality by transforming her sketch into a dress.

Check out the transformation below:

The mother - under the handle @FashionOnPoint_ -wrote: "This was designed by my 6 year old," and showed her daughter standing next to a dress on a mannequin that features blue and rainbow colors, along with a red heart.

She then shared a follow-up tweet of the mother-and-daughter duo modeling in matching frocks, writing: "A dress that my 6-year-old daughter designed. I finally made it for her..."

In addition to this, the doting mother then posted an additional tweet of her child modeling in her adorable garment, looking very proud of her design.

After posting the pictures on the social media platform, many users commented on the post to applaud the loving parent for supporting her child's illustrations.

One user said: "Absolutely awesome! Nurture her talent, pls Mom."

Another commented: "I wanna be this mom. bring life to my baby’s visions."

A third said: "Superstar."

A fourth user shared: "Her talent is amazing."

Many parents have their own interesting ways of appreciating their child's designs. Buzzfeed reported that a father name Tom Curtis took his son's drawings and - with the help of some Photoshop - makes them look remarkably real.

Curtis told the outlet that he was encouraged to do the project because he has "always loved" his son's artwork, saying: "The original thinking was that the photos would all end up quite creepy, but Dom wanted to make them funny."

"I think what we’ve created so far is a bit of both," he said, adding, "The original premise wasn’t that I took Dom’s drawings and showed what they might look like in real life."

The dad shares all of his and his son's collaborations on an Instagram account called "Things I Have Drawn" and said that the initial idea began because it was about "imagining a world in which kids' drawings are accurate and the things they draw are real".

"It's just us silly adults that don’t see them because we’re not looking hard enough," Curtis added.

Featured image credit: Stefan Dahl Langstrup / Alamy