Bizarre airplane fight over window shade goes viral after being caught on video



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Travelling at 36,000ft does funny things to people. Some become so paranoid that the only option is to drown themselves in miniature vodka. Others have an uncanny knack of falling straight to sleep as soon as the captain starts speaking. But, without any doubt, the worst passengers on the planet are those that get fighty as soon as they hit altitude. 

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This undesirable and slightly embarrassing character trait was exemplified this week by two fully grown men who couldn’t agree whether a window shade should be left up or down. In a now-viral video clip posted on highly entertaining Instagram account @passengershaming, the pair can be seen and heard furiously fighting over the fixture, presumably to the amazement of every other passenger on board. 


Initially, the couple are shown silently and passive-aggressively opening and shutting the blind, before the invisible man in front of the filmer yells, “STOP!” After more opening and shutting, the flight attendant is summoned to resolve the situation. Shockingly, she’s unable to stop either party. 

This bizarre video shows a passenger controlling a plane TV screen with their feet:

As the video, which is nearly two-minutes in total, continues, the man in the front seat can be seen holding the window up. When he appears to reach towards the man filming the clip, the man holding the camera snaps, “Don’t touch me, that’s assault.”

According to the caption on @passengershaming, “All windows were to be open for descent per this airline request, hence why dude in back had his open; not fake.” As the incredulous account continued, “These. Are. Grown. Men.”

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Understandably, internet commentators were quick to express their incredulity. One said, “It’s not this guy’s window. It’s behind his seat. I’d wrist lock him next time he did that,” while another added, “Crew says open...that shit needs to be open.” While some were sceptical as to the video’s veracity, it’s certainly a worthy addition to the internet’s collection of people doing stupid things.