Dad walks 700 miles barefoot to raise money for sick daughter's medical treatment



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As well as being a major in the British army, Chris Brannigan is also a doting father who would do anything for his daughter.

Now, Chris has returned home after 38 days away from home as he walked 700 miles (1126.5km) barefoot across the UK in an effort to raise funds for daughter Hasti.

Per his JustGiving page, eight-year-old Hasti was born with Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS), a genetic condition that impact's the sufferer's physical, intellectual, and behavioral well-being.

The page description adds:

"Hasti is eight and she dreams of being a chef or a dancer when she grows up, but she also has a rare genetic condition which currently has no treatment or cure! I am doing this challenges to raise the funds needed to create a gene therapy treatment to change her fate and to give her the future she deserves."

Back in March, Chris set up the charity CdLS Hope For Hasti, to raise funds for the research and development of a groundbreaking gene therapy treatment for children suffering from CdLS.

"The total cost is £400,000 ($524,000). We are running out of time to raise the money as mental decline will start at puberty, and that is not far away for Hasti," Chris writes.

In an effort to raise the money he needs to give his daughter a chance, Chris, 40, became the 'Barefoot Soldier', and walked 700 miles to Edinburgh Castle on after setting off from Land's End in July, all with a 25kg pack on his back.

Despite painful blisters, Chris managed to complete his across-the-country walk - cheered on in every town he stepped foot in.

During the journey, Chris was even hospitalized for three days after suffering an infection in his feet. But in spite of this, he continued to walk.

When he arrived at Edinburgh Castle, Chris was greeted with a big hug from Hasti. Writing on Facebook, Chris said that "this moment" made it all worth it. He wrote:

"This moment. Right here. Worth every single heavy, painful step.

"Feeling like every step up that hill towards the finish line was getting harder and harder, when suddenly she came running out of the sunlight and right into my arms and I instantly knew I would do it all again for her.

"700 miles done, 35 days walking, blood, sweat and tears. Thank you for giving me hope for Hasti. "


The loving father also provided an update on his feet, revealing that the damaged he endured means they may "never return to normal. He wrote:

"Even though the feet are blistered, bruised, swollen, cut up and may never fully return to normal, I am thankful that they carried me the whole length of this 700 mile journey. And I am sure they will be thankful to never walk again... and for the pampering sessions that they will be receiving from here on out!"


In total, Chris' agonizing journey took 38 days to complete (after spending three days in hospital), with him arriving in Edinburgh on August 13.

On his JustGiving page alone, he has raised nearly £370,000 ($484,600), as of this writing.

To Chris and Hasti, you are both absolutely remarkable! And we wish you all the best for the future.