Health department urges Americans to stop eating raw meat sandwiches



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There are a lot of unusual culinary traditions the world over, but some are significantly more dangerous than others. Case in point: the eating of raw meat sandwiches, which the health department in the US has just urged Americans to stop.

The unusual snack is reportedly popular in Wisconsin, and social media wasted no time in alerting people to the unusual warning when screenshots from a Wisconsin Department of Health Services Facebook post were shared to Twitter.


The screenshots were appropriately captioned: "What the heck" by the Minion Death Cult Podcast.

The post explains: "Time for our annual reminder that there’s one #holiday tradition you need to pass on: raw meat sandwiches, sometimes called Tiger Meat or Cannibal Sandwiches."


It continues: "Many Wisconsin families consider them to be a holiday tradition, but eating them poses a threat for Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, Campylobacter and Listeria bacteria that can make you sick. (And, no, it doesn't matter where you buy your beef!).

"Remember, ground beef should ALWAYS be cooked to an internal temperature of 160° F."

A slab of meat.
[[imagecaption|| Credit: Pexels]]

Needless to say, Twitter users had a lot to say about the sandwiches.

One Twitter user wrote: "I must admit I would like to try the forbidden sandwich."


A second joked: "Bookmarking this Tweet for the next American who says Britain needs to be destroyed because we sometimes eat beans on toast."


Meanwhile, a third simply replied with a disgusted gif of Paris Hilton:


However, while a lot of people were confused by the unusual warning, one person did try to explain the tradition: "This is a normal thing here in WI, and I worked as a butcher for 10 years, so I've seen a f**k ton of this.

"If you use completely lean meat (no fat at all) it's 'fine,' but it's dumb as f*ck and it also sucks and tastes bad."


A second added: "[It's] fine if the meat is ground fresh in a sanitary kitchen setting. Supermarket ground beef, absolutely never. This is German food and it’s bomb af."


But regardless of these opinions, we think it's best to stick with the health department's advice on this one.

Health department urges Americans to stop eating raw meat sandwiches



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There are a lot of unusual culinary traditions the world over, but some are significantly more dangerous than others. Case in point: the eating of raw meat sandwiches, which the health department in the US has just urged Americans to stop.

The unusual snack is reportedly popular in Wisconsin, and social media wasted no time in alerting people to the unusual warning when screenshots from a Wisconsin Department of Health Services Facebook post were shared to Twitter.


The screenshots were appropriately captioned: "What the heck" by the Minion Death Cult Podcast.

The post explains: "Time for our annual reminder that there’s one #holiday tradition you need to pass on: raw meat sandwiches, sometimes called Tiger Meat or Cannibal Sandwiches."


It continues: "Many Wisconsin families consider them to be a holiday tradition, but eating them poses a threat for Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, Campylobacter and Listeria bacteria that can make you sick. (And, no, it doesn't matter where you buy your beef!).

"Remember, ground beef should ALWAYS be cooked to an internal temperature of 160° F."

A slab of meat.
[[imagecaption|| Credit: Pexels]]

Needless to say, Twitter users had a lot to say about the sandwiches.

One Twitter user wrote: "I must admit I would like to try the forbidden sandwich."


A second joked: "Bookmarking this Tweet for the next American who says Britain needs to be destroyed because we sometimes eat beans on toast."


Meanwhile, a third simply replied with a disgusted gif of Paris Hilton:


However, while a lot of people were confused by the unusual warning, one person did try to explain the tradition: "This is a normal thing here in WI, and I worked as a butcher for 10 years, so I've seen a f**k ton of this.

"If you use completely lean meat (no fat at all) it's 'fine,' but it's dumb as f*ck and it also sucks and tastes bad."


A second added: "[It's] fine if the meat is ground fresh in a sanitary kitchen setting. Supermarket ground beef, absolutely never. This is German food and it’s bomb af."


But regardless of these opinions, we think it's best to stick with the health department's advice on this one.