Per the National Breast Cancer Foundation, 1-in-8 US women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, making it the most common form of cancer among American women. In fact, this year alone, an estimated 41,760 women will die from breast cancer in the US. It's facts like these that make checking for breast cancer so important.
The earlier breast cancer is discovered, the higher the survival rate. In fact, 62% of breast cancer cases are diagnosed at a localized stage, for which the 5-year survival rate is 99% - which gives women a fighting chance.
Now, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, online clothing retailer BooHoo has teamed up with the cancer charity CoppaFeel! to release a new line of bras that actually help the wearer check themselves for breast cancer.
The potentially lifesaving concept was thought up by creative agency AMV BBDO and Joyride, who teamed up to design and create the bras (and matching panties) with three different patterns, each subtly showing a way for the wearer to check their breasts, armpit, and collarbone.
So, how exactly do the three bras work? Well, the wearer must use their hands and fingers to follow the pattern over their entire chest, working up to the collarbone and then under your armpit. It is important to point out that it is better to check your breasts without wearing a bra, but the idea is that the underwear gives users a guide of where to check.
It is important to know how to check yourself so you can spot any abnormalities. Please see the video below for more guidance:There is currently a choice of three gorgeous patterns - and each one is no better or worse for guidance.
Currently available is a bandeau bralet with zig-zag pattern (with high waist knickers) and a black bralet with a star pattern (with Brazilian knickers)- a both £15. There's also a black and white zebra pattern for £14, which also comes with a thong.
Credit: 2548 Credit: 2746 Credit: 2944Each design provides a different way of checking and learning about what feels normal for the wearer. This is important, because once you've become fully acquainted and familiar with your body, then you can know when something doesn't feel right.
If you ever spot any changes in your breasts, chest, armpit or collarbone, it is important to visit your doctor to ensure any problems are picked up as quickly as possible.
And guys, don't forget men can also get breast cancer, so it is important that everyone is familiar with their body, and seeks help when noticing any changes.