An expert has shared five foods that can seriously harm your eyesight.
An expert has shared five foods that are bad for your eyesight. Credit: Aire images / Getty
We often think about how diet affects our weight and overall health, but experts are now warning that certain foods can also impact vision and even contribute to age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness in older adults.
According to the National Eye Institute, AMD occurs when aging damages the macula, the part of the eye responsible for central vision.
While genetics and age play a role, research suggests that diet can accelerate the condition.
White bread can harm your eyesight, according to doctors. Credit: Sinan Kocaslan / Getty
Here are five foods that experts say could be harming your eyesight.
1. White BreadIt may be a lunch staple, but white bread has been linked to AMD progression.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) cites studies showing that foods with a high glycemic load, like white bread, can contribute to vision loss.
A 2017 study tested the effects of diet on mice, feeding some a low-glycemic diet and others a high-glycemic diet.
Those on the high-glycemic diet developed signs of retinal damage, but when switched to a low-glycemic diet, their AMD symptoms improved or even reversed.
French fries might be delicious, but they're bad for you. Credit: This is a Lukerative Image/Getty Images
Bad news for fry lovers - french fries also fall into the high-glycemic category, meaning they can quickly spike blood sugar levels.
According to the NIH, repeated blood sugar spikes damage retinal blood vessels, increasing AMD risk.
3. Rice CakesOften marketed as a healthy snack, rice cakes might not be as harmless as they seem.
Like fries and white bread, they have a high glycemic index, meaning they can cause rapid blood sugar spikes that may damage vision over time.
Processed cheese slices have high levels of sodium. Credit: Drbouz / Getty
If you love a cheesy sandwich, you might want to reconsider your choice of cheese.
Processed cheese slices - like those used on burgers or grilled cheese sandwiches - often contain high levels of sodium.
Excess sodium has been linked to high blood pressure, which can damage the retinal blood vessels, leading to a condition called hypertensive retinopathy.
5. BaconTasty? Yes. Good for your eyes? Not so much.
Medical News Today reports that foods high in cholesterol, including bacon, red meat, and sausages, may contribute to AMD.
Cholesterol blocks the blood supply to the eye, affecting central vision and increasing the risk of macular degeneration.
Medics have warned people against processed food. Credit: Apomares / Getty
There are two types of eye disease. Dry AMD (atrophic AMD), which is more common and progresses slowly, and Wet AMD (advanced neovascular AMD), which is more severe and can cause sudden vision loss.
Symptoms of late-stage include straight lines appearing wavy or distorted, blurry spots in central vision that grow larger over time, diminished color perception, and difficulty seeing in low light.
There’s no cure for early AMD, but those with intermediate AMD may benefit from special dietary supplements.
Doctors recommend eating leafy green vegetables and fish, maintaining healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and getting regular physical activity.
With simple diet and lifestyle changes, you can help protect your eyesight and reduce the risk of eye disease in the long run.