A man has been left with a hole in the middle of his face after being diagnosed with nasal cancer which ate away his nose.
Father-of-three Stephen White, who hails from Exeter in England claims he's become a recluse since an urgent operation in 2016 left him without his top teeth and a nose. He's now been left with a cavernous hole in the middle of his face, and is still waiting for a prosthetic. However, the damage to his confidence and self-esteem has been just as bad.

Stephen first noticed a problem in March of 2015, when he was struck with a persistent nosebleed. He visited a doctor and was placed on a course of antibiotics, but this didn't have the desired effect.
In May he was referred to the hospital to undergo an MRI scan, which revealed that the spread of cancer had destroyed the bone in the center of his nose, and severely affected the cartilage.
Stephen was forced to go for surgery in July so doctors could determine how far his cancer had spread through the nasal cavity. There was a risk of the malignant cells reaching his brain and spinal cord through his face.

Through surgery and chemotherapy, Stephen was able to pull through: but he was left mutilated by his experiences. Missing his top teeth, he's only able to eat soft food for several weeks mashed potato, soup, and casseroles, and his original prosthetic nose didn't fit his face. He is still waiting for a new one, and has been left worried about his appearance in the meantime.
Commenting on his ordeal in a recent interview, Stephen stated: "I scare my grandchildren and when I go out in the street I scare, not just children, but everybody. People look at me and cross the road to avoid me. The cancer was right in the middle of my face and I’m still waiting for a new nose."
"If it wasn’t so visible I’d feel like I’d be able to date again. Really all I want is to fall in love. Before I had laser eye surgery last month, I could not see further than the end of my arm without my glasses. I couldn’t put my glasses on because there was nothing to rest them on."

He continued: "I couldn’t go out because I couldn’t see to cross the road and would be paranoid about bumping into people, as I couldn’t see them until they were a yard in front of me. Then they would look at my face and see I didn’t have a nose. It destroyed my self-confidence and I now have no self-esteem."
"I became a prisoner in my own home, only going out at night time like a vampire, and with my hoodie up, when there was less traffic and less risk of me bumping into people who would judge me."
"I think once I have my new nose I will feel more confident to go out and meet someone. I used to go to the pub and see friends, but over the last five years that’s gone down the toilet. I just want to be treated like a decent human being."
Take a look at this video all about a dog who is also missing a nose:Stephen's family is trying to raise money for him on GoFundMe, to held him pay for any remaining work cosmetic surgery. If you'd like to help him out, then please consider making a charitable donation.