Rodrigo Alves is at it again. The 35-year-old model and reality TV star, better known as the Human Ken Doll, has had yet more surgery in order to change up his appearance - this time to correct some previous work he'd had done.
And it ain't pretty.
In a series of images, Alves shared the aftermath of a five-hour face reduction surgery, during which he had five cm (two inches) of skin plus 200 threads and fibrosis - the scarring of connective tissue - removed. The process should lessen the swollen appearance he has become so known for.
"Hi everyone I've just woken up, feeling quite drowsy," he posted on social media earlier this week. "The surgery went great, the doctors were able to reduce the size of my face."

The operation, which went ahead in Iran, was supposedly performed in order to prepare Alves for two other surgeries: a replacement for his silicone chin implant, which was performed on Tuesday, plus a nose job - his 11th, amazingly - which is due to take place today.
The Human Ken Doll warned against the use of threadlifts - dissolvable threads which make the face tighter by stimulating collagen production - saying that the procedure had made his skin too firm.
"I had a lot of fibrosis due to threadlifts and my skin was hard," he said.
This may have had something to do with how many threadlifts Alves has undergone, however, as he has reportedly had more than 700 threads injected into his face over the past three years - the last procedure taking place just four months ago.
The surgery clearly isn't an instant fix, though, as this is how the social media sensation looked shortly afterwards:

This operation and the following two were apparently part of Alves' "New Year, new face" resolution.
"I noticed my face was naturally starting to change - my lips were getting lower, my eyes, nose and cheeks were dropping," he revealed.
"On New Year's Eve I looked at myself and thought 'New year, new face' and booked the surgeries. But when surgeons opened up my face it was full of fibrosis that they had to remove, it took so long that they couldn't replace my silicone chin implant. It took them five hours for a revision face, eye and lip lift, and to remove all of the fibrosis and 200 threads inside my face.
"It was quite shocking as they are very good doctors, Iran is very big in facial plastic surgery and their standards are very high here."
So high are the standards, in fact, that the doctors allowed Alves to keep a little bit of his skin in a jar after. Nice.
As well as these latest surgeries being for aesthetic purposes, they're also for Alves' wellbeing. The nose surgery, in particular, is necessary for the social media star to be able to breathe normally again - but the procedure comes with its own risks.
"My surgeon guaranteed he can fix my breathing, so finally I will be able to breathe again but there is a risk that my skin will not tolerate the surgery," he explained. "If necrolysis develops it could mean I will lose my nose, so I am on antibiotics and hyperbaric oxygen therapy to reduce the risk of that. There is definitely a risk of necrolysis but there are ways to reduce that and I will defeat it if it happens."
Despite the obvious dangers associated with his surgeries, then, it seems obvious that Rodrigo Alves has no intention of stopping. How much further can his obsession go? Well, if his blasé attitude towards skin necrolysis is anything to go by, probably pretty far indeed.