We all know that nail-biting is a bad habit. I myself have struggled with it for years and still can relapse from time to time. But if you've developed an accidental oral fixation, one that's as automatic as scratching your neck or running your hand through your hair, then it can be really hard to consciously stop yourself from doing it.
So if you need an incentive to avoid biting your nails, then maybe you should make yourself aware of the serious risk (under certain circumstances) which nail-biting can potentially pose to your health.
If you need proof of the danger then just take at the following Facebook post, which has gone viral on social media this week, which shows a man's badly swollen fingertips.
The pictures of the gruesome infection were shared with a warning on Facebook by a woman named Karen Peat. Karen, who hails from Coatbridge in Scotland, captioned the pictures: "A message to nail biters out there STOP!!! Someone I know who prefers to remain nameless who bites their nails ended up having to get rushed to Glasgow Royal Infirmary today for emergency surgery. [sic]"
She continued: "This person had been to two chemists and spoken to two separate pharmacists over the past few days who had advised to use magnesium sulphate and keep it covered it still got worse. [sic]"
She added: "When we finally went to the A&E this morning was told if left much longer it could have been fatal as the infection was traveling up the arm hence the emergency surgery! So please please stop biting your nails!! [sic]"
Listen to this expert's advice on how you can avoid sepsis and infections:So there you have it. Nailbiters: beware! Your bad habit could send you straight to hospital if you're not careful.