Woman distracted by eggs is run over by her own car



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A woman who was distracted by some eggs for sale ended up getting run over by her own car, a video shows.

The shocking clip, captured on September 23, shows the exact moment a woman, engrossed in what was on offer, is knocked over outside a home (belonging to a Chris Puxted) in Tenterden in Kent, England.

This is the moment a woman distracted by eggs is run over by her own car:

The hapless lady hovers over the stand, inspecting the eggs laid on it. Meanwhile, her silver car slowly rolls forwards, hitting her in the back of her legs, the force of which causes her to fall to the ground.

The vehicle can be seen gathering momentum moments before hitting the woman. Fortunately, the car soon comes to a stop when it reaches a dip in the ground. It is then that the woman gets back on her feet, looks around her, goes back around to the driver's side and gets in before driving off.

Per Caters, the incident occurred because the unidentified woman forgot to put the handbrake on. Fortunately, it seems there was no lasting damage as a result of the collision.

egg stand
Credit: 1479

Let this be a lesson to any drivers out there - don't forget the handbrake!

But while drivers definitely need to be aware that car accidents don't always occur when the driver is behind the wheel, many accidents do. In fact, according to Samuel Nahk, senior public affairs officer at Brake, the main cause of car accidents is distracted drivers:

"These figures clearly highlight that driver error is one of the main causes of crashes on our roads, all too often leading to death and serious injury. Yet every death and injury on our roads is a needless, preventable tragedy. We can mitigate the impact of driver error through a safe systems approach with safer roads, safer vehicles, safer speeds and safer road use, enabling people to move around in safe and healthy ways. "Drivers can also reduce their chances of causing a crash by ensuring they stick well within the speed limit, take more time to look carefully at junctions, and giving the road their full attention at all times."