May is almost at its end, and I can no longer deny it: summer is here, folks, and with it, brings the promise of summer drinks. No longer will I have to content myself with sips of tea and hot chocolate or nurse a brandy to keep the shivers away; I can get wasted in public parks around the city once more, just as God and my Instagram feed intended.
But what to drink during these next five months or so? Can't have rosé again; my body hasn't quite forgotten the last time, and good times were never had on a glass of lemonade, dear reader. Well, it's a good thing we've got Kopparberg - the Swedish drinksmasters have come up with a new summer drink that'll have you merry all the way through to Halloween.

"But wait," you say, "I already know about Kopparberg's cider. Why are you telling me about cider?" But ladies and gentlemen, who said anything about cider?
That's right, Kopparberg are going a little against the grain with their new pink gin, but I for one am pretty glad for that. This is the second gin they've seen fit to give us, after the strawberry and lime version, and this is more of a riff on their mixed fruits flavour of delicious alcoholic beverages.

As one of the company's more popular drinks, it makes perfect sense to incorporate the mixed fruit into their new line of gins, and Head of Marketing at Kopparberg, Rob Salvesen, said about as much.
"Mixed Fruit came as the next obvious choice as it is our second most-loved fruit cider flavour, and we wanted to offer gin-lovers more than just one option when it came to choosing a pink gin," Salvesen explained.

But you can't get Kopparberg pink gin online; sadly, you're going to have to put on clothes and shoes and all that nonsense and head down to your nearest ASDA, where you can get 70 cl worth of gin for just £22. Not bad for gin, I suppose.
With World Gin Day just around the corner on June 8, you can pick up the new flavour of gin on June 4, which gives you four days to really get into the spirit (see what I did there) of things. What more is there to say on the subject, really? No, seriously: less reading, more drinking, folks. Summer's pretty much here; don't waste any time.