Founder of conversion therapy ministry in US comes out as gay



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Despite LGBTQ+ rights improving astronomically in recent years, gay conversion ministries still exist. Now, the founder of the one of the largest in the US has come out as gay, undermining his entire life's work.

Two years after losing his job at the faith-based conversion therapy program, Hope for Wholeness, its founder McKrae Game has come out as a gay man, The Post and Courier reports.


The South Carolina native is now coming to terms with the harm he inflicted to members of the LGBTQ+ community during his time there. He has estimated that the center has treated thousands of people under the philosophy that homosexuality is not innate but "a multi-causal developmental disorder."

In an interview with The Post and Courier, McKrae, who came out in June, said: "Conversion therapy is not just a lie, but it's very harmful because it's false advertising."

Last week, McKrae took to Facebook to beg for forgiveness.


Prior to coming out, the 51-year-old had spent two decades assailing the LGBTQ+ community.

As it stands, gay conversion therapy is illegal for minors in 18 states and Washington, D.C., however, South Carolina is not one of them, Movement Advancement Project reports.

"I created it all," McKrae said of Hope for Wholeness. "We have harmed generations of people."

"People said they attempted suicide over me and the things I said to them. People, I know, are in therapy because of me. Why would I want that to continue?"

In the video below, McKrae denounces the gay conversion therapy movement: 

While McKrae his consumed by guilt for his actions, he said his worst act was telling members of the LGBTQ+ community that they would go to hell, writing on Facebook: "I'd like all exgay ministry and conversion therapy counselors and organizations shut down."

"Most people in the gay community have treated me ridiculously kind [sic]," McKrae said, "liking me for me now and not who I was. And I hope they just give me the chance to talk to them so I can hear them out and apologize."

However, he acknowledges that, for many, apologizing will never be enough.