Man caught on camera eating raw chicken after grocery shopping


By James Kay

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A man has been spotted eating a raw chicken drumstick after leaving a store because apparently, he was so hungry that the threat of food poisoning wasn't enough to put him off tucking in.

We've all been in a situation where we are out and about and suddenly the hunger takes over and everything else in life becomes secondary.

When this happens it's usually the done thing to stop by a local store or maybe even a bakery if there's one available.

But what happens when you have a desire for some meat? You get something ready-cooked, usually in a sandwich, right?

Well, one man decided that he wanted to go back to basics by chowing down on some raw chicken legs immediately after leaving a store.

For anyone that is confused as to why this is a bad idea - the CDC states: "Raw chicken is often contaminated with Campylobacter bacteria and sometimes with Salmonella and Clostridium perfringens bacteria."

In short, you will almost certainly get sick.

The CDC estimates that every year in the United States about one million people get sick from eating contaminated poultry and that around one in every 25 packages of raw chicken sold at supermarkets are contaminated with salmonella.

If consumed, it would lead to a serious case of food poisoning, which comes with less than appealing symptoms including diarrhea, stomach cramps, and vomiting.

The images of the man munching on the uncooked meat were uploaded to Instagram by S**t Adelaide, where viewers can also see that he's barefoot.

There are certain times when eating raw chicken poses less of a risk - like chicken sashimi in Japan for example, though that still comes with some potential health issues.

To make it safe for human consumption, the meat must be stored and prepared in a certain way - and considering the Adelaide man is ripping into some store-bought chicken, it's doubtful that it has been properly prepared.

It's unclear what the fate of the man was after munching on the raw meat, but it's safe to assume that he became nicely acquainted with his toilet for a few days afterward.

People in the comments were understandably shocked at the image, as one person wrote: "He’s so cooked, the chicken gets charred on the way down…"

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Credit: Instagram

A second had an idea as to why the man took the risk: "This king is so busy hustling he doesn’t have time to waste siting [sic] down to eat, or putting shoes on, or cooking his food. Few understand this grindset."

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Credit: Instagram

A third simply said: "Can someone please check to see if this man is still alive?"

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Credit: Instagram

In case this article hasn't been clear enough - please don't eat raw chicken!

Featured image credit: Tatiana Volgutova / Alamy

Man caught on camera eating raw chicken after grocery shopping


By James Kay

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A man has been spotted eating a raw chicken drumstick after leaving a store because apparently, he was so hungry that the threat of food poisoning wasn't enough to put him off tucking in.

We've all been in a situation where we are out and about and suddenly the hunger takes over and everything else in life becomes secondary.

When this happens it's usually the done thing to stop by a local store or maybe even a bakery if there's one available.

But what happens when you have a desire for some meat? You get something ready-cooked, usually in a sandwich, right?

Well, one man decided that he wanted to go back to basics by chowing down on some raw chicken legs immediately after leaving a store.

For anyone that is confused as to why this is a bad idea - the CDC states: "Raw chicken is often contaminated with Campylobacter bacteria and sometimes with Salmonella and Clostridium perfringens bacteria."

In short, you will almost certainly get sick.

The CDC estimates that every year in the United States about one million people get sick from eating contaminated poultry and that around one in every 25 packages of raw chicken sold at supermarkets are contaminated with salmonella.

If consumed, it would lead to a serious case of food poisoning, which comes with less than appealing symptoms including diarrhea, stomach cramps, and vomiting.

The images of the man munching on the uncooked meat were uploaded to Instagram by S**t Adelaide, where viewers can also see that he's barefoot.

There are certain times when eating raw chicken poses less of a risk - like chicken sashimi in Japan for example, though that still comes with some potential health issues.

To make it safe for human consumption, the meat must be stored and prepared in a certain way - and considering the Adelaide man is ripping into some store-bought chicken, it's doubtful that it has been properly prepared.

It's unclear what the fate of the man was after munching on the raw meat, but it's safe to assume that he became nicely acquainted with his toilet for a few days afterward.

People in the comments were understandably shocked at the image, as one person wrote: "He’s so cooked, the chicken gets charred on the way down…"

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Credit: Instagram

A second had an idea as to why the man took the risk: "This king is so busy hustling he doesn’t have time to waste siting [sic] down to eat, or putting shoes on, or cooking his food. Few understand this grindset."

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Credit: Instagram

A third simply said: "Can someone please check to see if this man is still alive?"

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Credit: Instagram

In case this article hasn't been clear enough - please don't eat raw chicken!

Featured image credit: Tatiana Volgutova / Alamy