Man creates gun that shoots masks onto people’s faces



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As the world adjusts to the "new normal", people are wearing facemasks to do their bit to contain the spread of the ongoing pandemic.

However, despite the fact that wearing masks is for the greater good, there are some people who still refuse, believing that it somehow infringes on their civil liberties or because of the myth that it somehow makes it harder to breathe.

Now, to solve this problem, a man has created a genius gun that shoots masks onto people's faces.

Watch the facemask gun in action below: 

The creator of the gun, Allen Pan, said that it combines the Second Amendment with healthcare by making people understand the importance of masks "whether they want to or not".

Pan explained how he made his mask gun in a YouTube video before taking it out onto the street to test.

This is what happened when the mask gun was used: 

As the video above demonstrates, the mask gun is actually pretty effective, launching a face mask at a person's mouth before it wraps itself safely around the back of their head.

But given how strongly some people feel about not wearing masks, we don't imagine it would go down too well with them in general.

However, if you're still in any doubt about why wearing facemasks is of the utmost importance, Bill Nye has broken down the science behind them in a viral TikTok video.

"Why do people in the scientific community want you to wear a face mask when you are out in public?" Nye asks in the video.

"Masks prevent particles from my respiratory system from getting into your respiratory system... Blocking the movement of air is an old trick." He went on, per CNN.

Nye demonstrates how a homemade two-layer cotton face mask with a pipe cleaner sewn in the top to conform to his nose prevents a candle from being blown out even when he blows hard through the mask.

He then continues his experiment in a second video, showing how an N-95 also prevents the candle from being extinguished when Nye blows hard through it.

“The reason we want you to wear a mask is to protect you. Sure,” Nye says towards the end of the video.

“But the main reason we want you to wear a mask is to protect me from you and the particles from your respiratory system from getting into my respiratory system.

“Everybody, this is a matter – literally – of life and death. And when I use the word ‘literally’, I mean ‘literally’ a matter of life and death.

“So when you’re out in public, please wear a mask.”

Nye's videos have garned millions of views on TikTok since they were posted. New York governor Andrew Cuomo even shared one of them on his Twitter. "Listen to Bill Nye." He wrote.