McDonald's is testing an automated location with no human employees behind counter


By James Kay

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McDonald's is currently testing a new restaurant that is fully automated - meaning no human interaction while ordering your food.

Those that have gone into a McDonald's restaurant in the last few years will know that human interaction has been reduced while ordering your food.

Gone are the days when you would walk up to the counter and place your order with a member of staff - instead it's now done by using an interactive screen and waiting for your order number to be called.

There are still cash registers for anyone who fancies a bit of a chat or wants to pay with cash - but you might get a peculiar look when you walk up to it.

McDonald's is now looking to take away all human interaction by opening a new style of restaurant in Fort Worth, Texas, where you don't have to see another soul.

A video of the new system being trialed has been uploaded to TikTok by user @FoodieMunster - showing a restaurant with no staff and no tables.

The new style of the restaurant only does drive-thru and takeout orders, and your food is delivered to you by a conveyer belt meaning at no point do you even see a member of staff.

Don't panic - the food is still cooked by humans, it just won't be a human who gives you the order.

Developing the story further on his Instagram page, Foodie Munster revealed that you can order ahead on the McDonald's app and pull up to the drive-thru window where a robotic arm will hand you your food.

The new system was met with a mixed response on the TikTok video, with one person saying: "This is great, I won't have to socialize anymore," and another adding: "I’m here for it!! When this is local to me then I will try fast food again."

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Credit: TikTok
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Credit: TikTok

Some viewers aired their concerns about the trial: "This will put so many people out of work, I'm not for it," said one person, with another supporting the point: "That’s sad it’s taking jobs away from people."

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Credit: TikTok
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Credit: TikTok

Who knows, maybe we might even see a working ice cream machine too!

Featured image credit: Ian Dagnall / Alamy

McDonald's is testing an automated location with no human employees behind counter


By James Kay

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McDonald's is currently testing a new restaurant that is fully automated - meaning no human interaction while ordering your food.

Those that have gone into a McDonald's restaurant in the last few years will know that human interaction has been reduced while ordering your food.

Gone are the days when you would walk up to the counter and place your order with a member of staff - instead it's now done by using an interactive screen and waiting for your order number to be called.

There are still cash registers for anyone who fancies a bit of a chat or wants to pay with cash - but you might get a peculiar look when you walk up to it.

McDonald's is now looking to take away all human interaction by opening a new style of restaurant in Fort Worth, Texas, where you don't have to see another soul.

A video of the new system being trialed has been uploaded to TikTok by user @FoodieMunster - showing a restaurant with no staff and no tables.

The new style of the restaurant only does drive-thru and takeout orders, and your food is delivered to you by a conveyer belt meaning at no point do you even see a member of staff.

Don't panic - the food is still cooked by humans, it just won't be a human who gives you the order.

Developing the story further on his Instagram page, Foodie Munster revealed that you can order ahead on the McDonald's app and pull up to the drive-thru window where a robotic arm will hand you your food.

The new system was met with a mixed response on the TikTok video, with one person saying: "This is great, I won't have to socialize anymore," and another adding: "I’m here for it!! When this is local to me then I will try fast food again."

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Credit: TikTok
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Credit: TikTok

Some viewers aired their concerns about the trial: "This will put so many people out of work, I'm not for it," said one person, with another supporting the point: "That’s sad it’s taking jobs away from people."

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Credit: TikTok
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Credit: TikTok

Who knows, maybe we might even see a working ice cream machine too!

Featured image credit: Ian Dagnall / Alamy