Another day, another instance of people on social media not being able to agree on something.
This time, a simple optical illusion has gone viral after people kept seeing different results.
Yes, if there's one thing that people on social media love, it's disagreeing. And I'm not talking political stances or social mandates - I'm talking more, "I think that dress is white and gold, not blue and black!"
Well, eight years after 'The Dress' took over our newsfeeds, there's another optical illusion messing with the minds of social media users - and this time, it's all about numbers.
Shared to X (formerly known as Twitter) by user @benonwine, they shared a simple monochrome image along with the questions: "DO you see a number? If so what number?"
The eye-catching image shows a swirling black and gray zig-zag pattern - but if you look closely, some of you may be able to make out some numbers. Check it out below and see what you can make out:

As is the case with these things, people were quick to share their answers - but not everybody was on the same page.
One X user replied: "I can only see 528. Does that mean anything about my eyesight?"
A second added: "45283? Can't make out extreme left or right?"
However a third argued that they could only see "15283" - which baffled me, as I can't see a "1" in there.
Other Twitter users believed they had the correct answer - with significantly more digits than the previous guesses:
Yes, "3452839" - which is a significantly longer number than what a lot of people could see.
Providing an explanation to the illusion and people's different answers, one person tweeted: "I'm guessing the numbers you see depends on your 'contrast sensitivity' (different from what a standard eye measures).It can be tested by opticians. Worth doing if you're struggling, as it can affect your ability to see at night, or in rain, fog, etc."
Per the Vision Center, "contrast sensitivity is the ability to distinguish between an object and the background behind it."
It adds: "Contrast sensitivity is different from visual acuity, which measures how clear your vision is at a given distance."
Opticians can test your contrast sensitivity using a simple test, such as the one below:
The Vision Center explains that an individual "can have excellent visual acuity, but reduced contrast sensitivity and vice versa".
Now, personally, I can make out seven digits: 3452839 - but let me know what you see in the comments section.