With December just around the corner, it's time to start digging out your old ugly Christmas jumpers or start searching online for the perfect festive sweater that will have your family, friends, and colleagues crying with laughter.
Or, you could wear PETA's new holiday apparel, that will probably have your loved ones crying out of fear.
That's right, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have decided to release their own Christmas jumper in an attempt to draw attention to the cruelty involved in the wool industry. You could say, PETA is trying to highlight the baaaa-baric horrors behind Christmas jumpers.
Check out the racy Super Bowl commercial PETA had banned:Last week, PETA launched their 2019 'Howl-iday' gifts, which feature a $149.99 (£116.70) Wool Hurts Ugly Holiday Sweater.
The limited-edition jumper reads "wool hurts" in capitalized letters, and also features the PETA logo. But nobody is going to be looking at that, because the sweater's main feature is a large, 3D bloodied sheep, that has a mangled head sticking out the front, and a bloody rear protruding from the back. It's like a farm version of Alien.
Credit: 1553The product's official description reads:
"PETA’s limited-edition "Wool Hurts" Ugly Holiday Sweater puts the ugliness of the wool industry front and center. Emblazoned with the words "WOOL HURTS" and featuring a 3D bruised and bloodied plush sheep protruding from the front to the back of the sweater, you’re guaranteed a chance to join in on the holiday fun while making a statement for animals.
"This is part of PETA's campaign against the wool industry, where workers have been caught beating, kicking, stomping on, and even killing gentle sheep in shearing sheds. With the help of celebrities such as Billie Eilish and P!nk, PETA is calling on shoppers (and retailers like Forever 21) to help sheep by switching to cruelty-free knits."
Credit: 2601The sweater is scheduled to be shipped the week of November 25.
Back in 2017, a PETA Asia video exposé of the wool industry highlighted the cruelty sheep were subjected to by producers. The video showed workers "violently punching sheep in the face, stamping and standing on their heads and necks, and beating and jabbing them in the face with electric clippers" - abuse that left the livestock with "large, bloody wounds".
In the same article, PETA also revealed that between 2 and 3 million lambs in Britain die each year from "starvation or hypothermia as a result of exposure".
PETA explained how sheep are "gentle animals who are petrified of even being held down, yet these sheep were punched in the face, kicked and stamped on, and had their heads slammed into the floor by unsupervised, impatient shearers, causing the sheep great distress and injury."
In addition to the holiday sweater, PETA is also selling an “Eat No Turkey” t-shirt ($21.99) and a vegan popcorn tin set ($35.99). Will you be having a vegan Christmas this 2019?