12 people reveal the strangest places where they've had sex



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Everybody has sex in an unusual place sometimes. When the throes of passion consume you and your partner, you might not be near a bed. You might be in a car, or at the beach, or riding the oversized teacups at Disneyland. But in that case, definitely do not have sex, because there are children present and you will be arrested. Sickos. Okay, that was a facetious example, but you'd be surprised where some adventurous couples have sneaked in some lovemaking.

Metro asked their readers to reveal the strangest places they had sex. Here are 12 responses:

1. Right on cue

"On a pool table in the pub. Which wouldn’t be so strange, except that the pub was open at the time." - Lily

2. F--k the police

"I lost my virginity behind the police station." - Annie

3. You're not on the list

"On the desk in the office of a nightclub, with the nightclub owner’s girlfriend – but not with the nightclub owner. He felt left out and barred me." - Susie

4. "Odd corners"

"I f***ed the local park keeper in his shed while watching bare-chested men play tennis. I’m not sure I’d call it weird, though; gay men are more used to odd corners." - Dan

5. Turning the tables

"Under the table at a dinner party while everyone wondered why we were so late and debated eating without us. We’d had an argument that managed to clear the room of humans and ended up with us under the table. As so often happens, fighting turned to sexy times. Everyone thought we had gone outside, so they trickled back in and sat down to eat while we tried to dress while suppressing hysterical laughter and trying not to bump into anyone’s legs." - Tasha

6. Hope everything fits

"The changing room of three consecutive shops in a retail park." - Terri

7. More like a bone booth

"Public phone booth at 3am, on a main road with a steady stream of traffic." - Lola

8. Thor approves

"Norwegian literature section of a major university research library." - Lilith

9. Holy public indecency, Batman!

"On the roof of Waitrose [grocery store]. I was dressed as Batman at the time." - Damian

10. Oh, God!

"Against a wall of the Church of St Mary Magdalene" - Jasper

11. Going down

"In the lift of the Warwick Holiday Inn." - Naomi

12. It's good to branch out

Up a tree. Not against the tree, up the tree. It seemed like a bright idea at the time, to avoid CCTV cameras. It was a bit scratchy. - Ellen

If you feel like your sex life's getting stale, remember you can always ditch the bedroom. And if you're in a public place, the chance that someone will catch you only adds to the excitement. Unless they actually do catch you. Then you will be embarrassed, and might be fined or arrested, depending on your country's laws. But hey, at least you'll have a story to tell.

I wonder who'll be the first person to do it on the moon. Probably Elon Musk.