Best friends fall out over 'stupid' Harry Potter-inspired baby names for twins



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A woman has revealed that she has fallen out with her best friend after the pair argued about the bizarre Harry Potter-inspired baby names she has chosen for her twins.

Now, when it comes to naming our children, I'm sure many of us can admit to naming our newborns after somebody important in our lives. This can be a relative, a friend, and - on some occasions - a beloved fictional character.

However, in the fictional world of Harry Potter, not every name in the books is as common as "Harry" or "Ron". No, some of the names are a little more... unique, shall we say?

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Now, one woman has taken to Reddit's 'Am I The A**hole' page (where users share a recent grievance in their life and other users determine who was in the wrong) to ask if she overreacted after hearing the "terrible" Potter-inspired names her friend has chosen for her unborn twins.

Writing under the handle 'andacherryonthetop', the 34-year-old woman explains that her friend, 31-year-old Nicola, "is pregnant with twin boys due in spring".

She continues: They’ve been trying for a few years and so are really excited to finally be pregnant."

The poster writes how Nicola has been scheduled for a c-section, and due to the fact everybody knows the sex of the babies, she wants to keep their names a secret in order to keep some element of surprise around their births.

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But the Redditor adds that Nicola is "a massive Harry Potter fan" and had hinted that she may include some elements of the books in her children's names.

And before you start thinking "Fred and George", I'll stop you there, because this mom-to-be has chosen much more creative names.

The post continues:

"She was too excited to keep it in any longer and rang to me to ask me if I wanted to know the names they have chosen. It went something like this...

"Me: ooh yes please, I would love to know!

"Nicola: Albus Tony and Severus Callum

"Me: (long pause) wow!

"Nicola: (fuming) thanks for that, I can tell you hate them. Thanks so much for ruining this moment for me! (Hangs up)"

The Redditor adds that Albus and Severus are obviously from Harry Potter, a dn that "Tony is after her dad and Callum is a family member from her [other-half's] side".

She continues: "I feel awful because I paused for so long. I have tried to message and call her to apologize and say I do like the names (I don’t, Severus Callum has got to be the most random name I’ve ever heard of) but she keeps ignoring me."

And it would seem that most people in the comments section agreed with the poster.

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One person replied: "NTA [Not the a**hole]. Parents need to stop naming their kids with ridiculous names. These are not accessories, they are entire humans who have to exist with stupid names which is so much more important than her 'moment'.

"Albus Tony and Severus Callum are ridiculous names, it's almost like she wants them to get bullied."

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And another wrote: "NTA. I’m a huge Harry Potter fan and wow. Yikes."

Meanwhile, a third typed: "NTA. They are stupid names. Also, it's not like you were super offensive. You were literally stunned into silence. If that's your natural reaction (and relatively understandable/normal human reaction), then I don't think you are the a**hole."