Bizarre optical illusion of women sitting on sofa has seriously left people confused


By Nasima Khatun

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If there's one thing we can agree we all love, it's an optical illusion.

The weird and wonderful always seem to have us hooked and nothing does that better than a unique picture on the internet.

Remember the sold and white/blue and black dress debate? Or the two girls staring back at themselves in a mirror?

Those were wild.

But recently, another optical illusion has taken the spotlight after it once again resurfaced online.

The bizarre image shows a group of women sitting on a sofa - and while it may sound rather innocuous, people are really confused after looking at their legs..

Have a look at the image below:

Credit: Reddit

At first, the picture appears to show six women posing for a group photo while sitting on a wooden sofa in what looks to be some sort of pub - nothing particularly out of the ordinary.

However, when you look at it a little closer, you can see that there are only 10 legs when there should be 12. And it doesn't help that all the women sat in the middle of the photo are wearing similar blue jeans.

Social media users became tangled in a debate wondering where the last pair of legs could have disappeared to, with many commenting with their own conspiracy theories.

"The second girl's legs are behind the first girl's legs", wrote one user, while another agreed, writing: "The first girl is sitting over the second girl’s legs."

A third detailed their thought process on the issue: "Number one has her legs crossed, no tear in the knee. Number two has only one leg visible, the tear is in her knee. Those legs are blending together. (Follow that tear down, there’s a split where there’s a sock on the right and not on the left. Number two has a tear in her knee and a visible white sock)."

And this user seems to have hit the nail on the head with this response: "Maybe she's a couch-centaur?"

Very accurate indeed.

"It's actually the girl who is the second from the left whose legs are hard to find, because they are hidden behind the girl on the far left's. Her pants are the same color, and almost blend. You can see the difference where there is a bit of sock/skin showing above the boot," said this user, which is most likely the right answer... or, at least that's what I'm telling myself.

Of course, this is far from the first optical illusion to capture the minds of social media users.

For example, this video left people amazed after showing viewers a colour they'd most likely never seen before. (Trust me, I did the whole test and I was pretty mindblown by the results.) Check it out below:

"True cyan" is a dazzling green-blue pigment that social media user Kate Bacon claims that most of us have "probably never seen before".

She explains: "It’s called true cyan, and most TVs and monitors aren’t capable of producing this pigment."

Featured Image Credit: Reddit

Bizarre optical illusion of women sitting on sofa has seriously left people confused


By Nasima Khatun

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If there's one thing we can agree we all love, it's an optical illusion.

The weird and wonderful always seem to have us hooked and nothing does that better than a unique picture on the internet.

Remember the sold and white/blue and black dress debate? Or the two girls staring back at themselves in a mirror?

Those were wild.

But recently, another optical illusion has taken the spotlight after it once again resurfaced online.

The bizarre image shows a group of women sitting on a sofa - and while it may sound rather innocuous, people are really confused after looking at their legs..

Have a look at the image below:

Credit: Reddit

At first, the picture appears to show six women posing for a group photo while sitting on a wooden sofa in what looks to be some sort of pub - nothing particularly out of the ordinary.

However, when you look at it a little closer, you can see that there are only 10 legs when there should be 12. And it doesn't help that all the women sat in the middle of the photo are wearing similar blue jeans.

Social media users became tangled in a debate wondering where the last pair of legs could have disappeared to, with many commenting with their own conspiracy theories.

"The second girl's legs are behind the first girl's legs", wrote one user, while another agreed, writing: "The first girl is sitting over the second girl’s legs."

A third detailed their thought process on the issue: "Number one has her legs crossed, no tear in the knee. Number two has only one leg visible, the tear is in her knee. Those legs are blending together. (Follow that tear down, there’s a split where there’s a sock on the right and not on the left. Number two has a tear in her knee and a visible white sock)."

And this user seems to have hit the nail on the head with this response: "Maybe she's a couch-centaur?"

Very accurate indeed.

"It's actually the girl who is the second from the left whose legs are hard to find, because they are hidden behind the girl on the far left's. Her pants are the same color, and almost blend. You can see the difference where there is a bit of sock/skin showing above the boot," said this user, which is most likely the right answer... or, at least that's what I'm telling myself.

Of course, this is far from the first optical illusion to capture the minds of social media users.

For example, this video left people amazed after showing viewers a colour they'd most likely never seen before. (Trust me, I did the whole test and I was pretty mindblown by the results.) Check it out below:

"True cyan" is a dazzling green-blue pigment that social media user Kate Bacon claims that most of us have "probably never seen before".

She explains: "It’s called true cyan, and most TVs and monitors aren’t capable of producing this pigment."

Featured Image Credit: Reddit